Monday, February 19, 2018

It's so cool to be uncool (Part 89)...

What's Cool?

You think you're cool?  Well you'll never be as cool as ex-President Theodore Roosevelt who, while he was on his way to give a speech in Milwaukee during the campaign on 1912, was shot by a would be assassin!  The bullet when through his jacket, his clothes, a folded up copy of his speech and his eyeglass case, penetrating his chest, but not doing serious injury.  Roosevelt refused medical attention, went on to the venue, gave the hour long speech and only THEN went to the hospital.  He carried the bullet in him for the rest of his life.  Nope, you'll NEVER be THAT cool!

Cadet Bone Spurs, I'm sure, would shit himself at the sound a car backfiring, thinking it's a gun, and hightail, like the coward he is, to Mar-a-Logo when he'd hide under his bed for a week.


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