Saturday, February 29, 2020

I would not sell my collection, for if I did, I would cry (Part 50)...

Today In The History Of Polt's Comic Book Collection

Today, we go back just 10 years to February 2010, and DC Comics' Power Girl #7.

This is right before DC Comics shot themselves in the foot and forced me to stop buying their titles when they released the crappy New52.  But this title, anyway, was pretty good while it lasted. It was a humorous title, played mostly for laughs, with some seriousness included on the side.    I always liked Power Girl (Earth-2 Superman's cousin, that Earth's equivalent to Supergirl), but as I said, this title they gave her was a fun, funny title. 

Until the Poo52 crap killed it.


The truth is I never left you (Part 1065)...

TRUTH In The Time Of tRump (impeached)


I took the road less traveled by (Part 1169)...


Today's map is the floorplan for the bar Cheers....established in 1895 and where everybody knows your name.


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2133)...

Check This Out!

Well there's one thing I can say about this guy.....he sure knows how to wear a suit!  And wear it well.


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 1149)...

Superhero Anydays

Today we have, by I think Jerry Ordway, a bunch of heroes from Earth-2.

Clockwise from the upper left: Superman, Power Girl, Captain Marvel, Green Lantern, Batman, Robin, Huntress, Liberty Belle, Johnny Quick, Wonder Woman, Tarantula, and The Flash.
And today we also have a Batman tshirt on a cute black guy holding a phone with a Batman case.


Put your love to the test (Part 59)....

Where To Put It?

Where should I put this one?  Pride Prisms?  Shirtless Mondays?  Real Men Wear Pink?


Keep it together, all in the family (Part 416)....

Gemini Guys


I used to live in a tiny bubble (Part 294)....



You abandoned me, love don't live here anymore (Part 204)....

Abandoned Places

I don't know where this is, but this is just beautiful, even in the snow.


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2132)....

Check This Out!

Don't know who the chick is, but the guy is Patrick Mahomes, winning quarterback of this year's Super Bowl.   He plays for the Kansas City Chiefs, and his shirt reflects the idiot statement made by tRump (impeached), wherein tRump (impeached) congratulated the great state of Kansas on the win.....even though the Kansas City Chiefs play in Missouri.

Primary day in South Carolina.

If the polls are correct, then Biden should win by a decent margin.

However, i would not be at all surprised if Bernie "won".  

Because, remember, tRump(impeached) and Putin both want Bernie to be the Democratic nominee.  They know, as does anyone who as any political sense at all, that Bernie a thin-skinned, has had no serious challenge in any of this elections, doesn't take criticism well, and has a whole past full of dirt to be aired or exaggerated.

Plus, don't forget, in 2017, 17 different US intelligence agencies, as well as the British and the Israeli intelligence, told us the Russians hacked into the election databases of 46 different states. It doesn't look like the did anything, but they got in.  And in the last 3 years, we've done nothing to improve election security.  The House passed a bill to increase funding for it, but that's sitting on McConnell's desk, because neither McConnell nor tRump (impeached) WANT there to be any increased eletion security.

Also, remember that two weeks ago, at the beginning of the week, a high ranking intelligence official briefed Congress on the fact that the Russians were helping tRump (impeached) already.  And before the end of that week, that official was fired, replaced by a tRump (impeached) lackey, and that lackey over that weekend 'reported' that he didn't see any evidence of the Russians helping tRump (impeached), but somehow he saw some kind of evidence showing that the Russians were 'helping' Bernie.

SO, since the Russians and the current leadership  of the Federal government want Bernie to be the nominee, it wold not surprise me at all if Bernie somehow 'won' the South Carolina primary....what with the Russians being in South Carolina's voter database and all.

I do hope I'm wrong.  

But I would not be surprised if I wasn't.  Saddened, yes, surprised, no.


My baby's got a secret (Part 661)...

Secret Saturdays

These come each week from

This week we have Secrets And Facebook.


Friday, February 28, 2020

The truth is I never left you (Part 1064)...

TRUTH In The Time Of tRump (impeached)

Funny how that happened, eh?


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 1148)...

Superhero Anydays

Today we have one of the quirkiest superheroes from the Golden Age WWII, Earth-2 era: The Red Bee!

He was an District Attorney or something in the Pacific Northwest and he wanted to fight the criminals he couldn't prosecute, so he put on this himself a swarm of trained bees (I kid you not) and kept them in his belt, where he could release.  His favorite bee was named Michael (you can't make this stuff up).  Oh and he also carried a 'stinger gun'.
And today we also have a batch of cosplayers doing some Legion of Super-Heroes members in their early costumes.

Saturn Girl, Lightning Lass, Shadow Lass, Brainiac 5, Triplicate Girl, Shrinking Violet, and Phantom Girl.


I took the road less traveled by (Part 1168)...


Today's maps shows the Los Angeles metropolitan area, in red, and all the states that have a smaller GDP than it does, in blue.


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2131)...

Check This Out!

Of like you ignore kids born to parents with no health care, or adequate food, or a stable home, or etc, etc, etc.....


You're the devil in disguise, that's why I'm dancing (Part 250)...

Cats Are Evil


I used to live in a tiny bubble (Part 293)...



Put your love to the test (Part 58)...

Where To Put It?

So, where should I put this one?  Thursday Thighs?  Pride Prisms?  Shirtless Mondays?  Fetching Faces?


Rita Hayworth, gave good face (Part 362)...

Fetching Faces


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2130)....

Check This Out!

Well it looks like someone, or someones, is a lil.....excited about the upcoming fight.


Thursday, February 27, 2020

The truth is I never left you (Part 1063)...

TRUTH In The Time Of tRump (impeached)


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2129)...

Check This Out!

C.  Definitely C.  Well actually, for me, it could probably even be a D, if there were a D option.  But since there's not, I'll have to go with C.


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 1147)...

Superhero Anydays

Today we have a group of superheroes that reminds me of one version of the Justice League, but there are several people here who were not members of the JLA.

Black Canary, Creeper, Batman, Robin
Firestorm, Guy Gardner Green Lantern, Superman, Captain Marvel, The Flash
Mister Miracle, Wonder Woman, Dr. Fate, Martian Manhunter, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold
And today we have some cosplay of the Comedian from The Watchmen.


I took the road less traveled by (Part 1167).....


Today's map shows the rain totals from Hurricane Harvey in August 2017.


I'm crazy for you, touch me once, and you'll know it's true (Part 111)....

Comic Book Craziness



Get up and move it, to the music (Part 432)...



Rita Hayworth, gave good face (Part 361)....

Fetching Faces

WOW, those cheekbones!


Out of control, cause this dog ain't new (Part 174)...

Heavenly Hounds

Awwwwwww, my GOD....have you overdosed on adorableness yet?


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2128)...

Check This Out!

Talley-Ho, and away we go!


You'll have to pay which leg do you want (Part 289)...

Thursday Thighs


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The truth is I never left you (Part 1062)...

TRUTH In The Time Of tRump (impeached)

Well it's all true, ya know.


I took the road less traveled by (Part 1166)...


Today's maps shows all the tornado paths between 2000 & 2015.


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2127)...

Check This Out!

Heh, heh, hee, hee.....


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 1446)...

Superhero Anydays

Today we have a panel from The Invaders comic book from the 1970s.  The artist here is Frank Robbins, which I have never been a fan of, but strangely, somehow, I think his work on the Invaders worked.

 Union Jack, Bucky, Captain America, Spitfire
Namor the Sub-Mariner, The Human Torch and Toro
And today we have a Captain America bikini on a bubble butted, bulging bicep-ed cute guy.


A people, a tongue and a nation (Part 592)....

Luscious Licks


Keeping it together, all in the family (Part 415)...

Gemini Guys


When you open your mouth to speak (Part 127)...

Bros With Braces