Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots (Part 119)...

Wife Beater Wednesdays
This week's theme: Black And White.


Do you remember rock n roll radio....

I was thinking earlier this week about losing Miss Cleo and getting Sebastian. And then I got to thinking back to the cars I’ve had, and then to the cars my parents have had (yeah, this is how my mind works...very stream of consciousness...ish). They got a 1977 Chrysler station wagon and had nothing but problems with it. That made my dad swear off Chrysler products forever. But as I’m remembering this, suddenly the license plate number popped into my head: 757-797.

Why the hell, I wondered, would I remember that? And just as I though of that, I recalled something else. When I was a freshman in college, 1986-1987, I rented a room from a family in the town the college was in. I had my own phone number: 532-7623. And when I was little, my grandparents’ phone number was 762-3394. And then I remembered I was sitting in my 7th grade English class in March 1981 when we got work that President Reagan had been shot. And then for some reason, I thought about Sesame Street and how they taught me to count to 10 in Spanish…and I can still do it. And then I remembered 9th grade Latin class, first day, the teacher told us he would teach us something today that we would NEVER forget: the six tense endings to Latin words. O, S, T, Mus, Tis, and NT. And I STILL remember them!

Yet, despite all these totally random, totally trivial, and even more importantly, totally useless things, I can’t tell you what I had for supper Monday night. Nor can I remember to let the dog out after work one day when Mom’s not gonna be home. Nor can I can remember to watch the second installment Sunday night, of the Life series on the National Geographic channel that I want to try to watch all of. Nor can I remember my doctor’s appointments without calling and asking them. Nor can I consistently remember to grab the two granola bars each day to bring to work for breakfast.

But by GOD I remember the license plate number to a car I haven’t seen since probably 1982 or 1983! I guess it’s just that all the other stuff, I’ve known for much longer and I used them repeatedly. But I’ve only had to let the dog out once. I mean with the others, they’re recent and not something I repeated over and over again. So that’s what I’m chalking it all up to.

And NOT old age.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Our house, is a very very very fine house....

One day last week, I drove by my grandmother's house. It's not her house anymore, but it was. Her father built it somewhere between 1905 and 1910. My grandmother was born in 1913 and lived there all her life until we had to put her in a home in the late 80's. My dad lived there for the first 24 years of his life, until he met mom, married her, and they got a place together. And I remember as a child every Sunday going to my mom's parent's house, and then going over to see my other grandma.

She'd sit in her small rocking chair (which is now in my dining room) and with large floor radio (from the 1930's) beside her and the chiming clock on top of it (which is now in my dining room), and we'd 'visit'. Mostly mom, dad and her 'visiting', I'd sit at her dining room table (which is now in my dining room) and eat saltine crackers while I doodled endlessly on the notepads she always had around the house.

I remember helping mow the grass on the riding mower. I remember the old outhouse in the backyard that they actually used up into the 1950's (dad told me he remembered using it as a kid). I remember the water pump out back that she used to get water until they got onto municipal water in the 50's as well.

When grandma's Alzheimers got too bad she had to move in with us for a few weeks until we could get her into a home. And to get her in the home, we had to sell the house. All the money in her accounts and any money from the sales went to the home to pay for her stay. And when that ran out, since it was a state run facility, the state just took her monthly Social Security check to pay for her stay, and then picked up the tab for the rest. She lived there until she died in 1995.

At any rate, we saved a few things from the sale (like those I mentioned above), but by and large everything went for sale.

The house had been through several owners, and they had made changes and improvements along the way. About 5 years ago, the home was foreclosed on, and put up for sale by the bank. My mom told me recently she and dad talked about buying the house for me, so I'd have a home and it would get the home back in the family. But they decided against it cause I showed no interest, and in fact was against owning a home.

Last year, when I was thinking about buying a home, mom suggested looking into buying the house. But I wanted a home in town, and not with a large yard, and this house didn't meet either of those. So someone else owns it still.

I'm a bit sad that the house that my great grandfather and was lived in by family members for 70 couple years isn't in the family now. But it's not a place I wanted to live, so someone else has it. And even if I DID have it, as I don't have any children and I'm the last of the family, it will be in someone else's hand when I'm gone anyway.

Still, it's nice to see that whoever has it now is at least taking care of it.


The back of your hand somewhere on my behind (Part 2)...

Tooshie Tuesdays

And a wifebeater to boot! I don't know why, but this look has always been quite a turnon to me: a hot guy in a t-shirt and socks, and that's it.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Some doors are open, some roads are blocked...

Poor A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking...he sent me this photo earlier today.

For some reason, his work is now blocking the Palace. Well, obviously, it was for 'adult content', but they didn't do that before. But as he wrote, "It's a sad day. Now I have to do work."

Just exactly how I'd feel if they blocked the Palace at my work.


drew him west, the series bombed, commercials came...

Ohmygod, "V: The Series" is on SyFy all day today! I'm sirring here laughing at the dated hair (Diana's Hair Metal-esque do is a sight to see), horrible sets and even worse dialogue and plots. I had totally forgotten just how really, deeply and honestly rotten this thing was. And it's a shame, cause the series itself was so friggin' awesome!

I'm still trying to decide, though, which was worse: "V: The Series" or last year's remake. The series does at least have that awesome drum-beat music intro. And it's got Freddie Kreuger as an traitor alien. How can you go wrong with those?


You're wantin' my body, I don't mind (Part 245)...

I just this past week discovered Tam has a thing for hot guys in hoodies (although I should have realized it long ago, as I feel the same way and she and I are practically twins in many many ways), so in her honor, I give you this week's theme: How Almost Shirtless Guys Wearing Only Hoodies!


Sunday, March 28, 2010

you know, i'm calling your name, michelle...

So what did I do this week? Glad you asked. I had quite a Michelle week.

Last Sunday, I spend the afternoon with Michelle, which you may have already read about in a previous post.

Wednesday, Michelle and I went to a local restaurant she hadn't been to before: Bulls And Bears. Great food, even better company. We in fact sat at the same table in the corner that I sat at the first time I was there with Virginia. And I had just as great a time this time and then.

Thursday, after work I went to another Michelle's (whom I'm calling Me-Chell from now on to differentiate) house. I helped her with a project she had. She needed to get BINGO cards ready for a bridal shower this weekend. She had 33 different items and we needed to make 60 BINGO cards. Yes, I did indeed say 60! She had already written up 60 different combinations of cards, but we needed to get them onto the card sheets in the computer. So while read them out, I typed them in. And I swear if I ever have to type 'morter & pestle', '7 piece multi server' or 'quesadillo maker' again, I'm fairly certain I'll scream.

After doing 24 cards in like an hour and a half or so (although it seemed like an eternity), we decided to break for a meal and went to a local steakhouse. I had an incredible steak. She got ribs. And since she's such a petite little flower, she couldn't finish them all. And since she was slying out the next day, she couldn't use the leftover ribs. So I got to take them to lunch the next day. yum-me!

Then, last night, the first Michelle and I went to see a local play. Michelle went even though she's injured her hand taking the dog for a walk (yeah, don't ask. If you know Michelle, you know this doesn't should quite as unusual as it probably does to those of you who don't know her). She had planned drive us there, but I did. We watched it was a co-worker and her son. It was the "The Music Man". And even though the co-worker was, and still kinda is, a theater geek, she had never seen it before. Another co-worker's wife was directing it, and he was there too.

I enjoyed myself. I gotta admit, the band they had sucked. Other than the drummer and the pianist the rest of them were...well, horrible. They were off key, they were too loud. It was distracting. I think they were a bit over-ambitious when it came to scene changes cause there was too much time spent in the dark while they wheeled things on and off and nothing was going on. The female lead had an incredible voice, but it seemed to me she was more of an operatic type of voice and out of place in this musical, although she was a great singer. The male lead however was fantastic. he had the mannerisms of the Robert Preston (from the movie) down pat. And he reminded me, in body type, face shape, looks, everything, of Josherz!

And after the play, at like 10:30 at night, Michelle and i stopped at The Waffle House and got something to eat. Oh yeah, we DO know how to live.

Overall, very entertaining. As was, in fact, my whole week.


I drive my mini-Cooper and I'm feeling super dooper (Part 68)...

Superman Sundays
Today, I give you not one but two Superman. On the left, we have the Superman we all know and love. On the right, I give you Superman from Alex Ross' amazing, awesome, and incredible mini-series Kingdom Come.

Nothing quippy or funny to say today. Just enjoy the near symetrical mirror images.


Let's get unconscious honey (Part 201)...

Unconscious Mutterings
These come each week from

I say ... and you think ... ?

Bow out :: Exit
Relationships :: End
Facebook :: Farmville
Items :: Bought
Ours :: Shared
Sting :: The Police
Hangover :: Beer
Contacts :: Friends
Lonely :: No Friends
Seven days :: A week


Saturday, March 27, 2010

My baby's got a secret (Part 51)...

Secret Saturdays
No theme this week, just total randomness.


Friday, March 26, 2010

What a neat little domestic life that we live...

I'm so proud of myself, this evening, I've been rather domestic.

I got home from work and, as usual, piddled around online for a bit. But then, I gathered some laundry together antg threw them in the washer. I put all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and turned it on. I used the oven to make some fish filets and I used the stove top to hard boil some eggs for Easter. And while I the washer, dishwasher, oven and stovetop were all going, I updated my checkbook, deducting the checks I had written and ATM receipts I had. And then I paid a bunch of bills and got various greeting cards ready to be mailed.

And now, having eaten the fish, put the eggs in cold water in the fridge, moved the clothes to the dryer and gotten everything ready for the mail tomorrow, I'm sitting here again at the computer, putzing around.

But now I don't feel guilty about it.


Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me (Part 210)...

Frenching Fridays
This week's theme: Full Clothed Kissing


Thursday, March 25, 2010

And they call it, puppy love....

I've been busy the last few nights, not had much time for blogging. I'll get into what was going on (it's not that exciting or anything, so don't expect much) later. But for now, I thought I'd increase the cutness level of the Palace.

Firstly, is two shots of Maggie, my friend Me-Chelle's dog.

She barked a bit when I first got there, but before long, we were best friends. She even rested her head on my leg for a head petting.

And I was over at mom's on Sunday waiting for her to get home from church. Angel greeted me at the door and we played with her football. When she tired she laid on the couch, put her head on her football and stared at the door waiting for mom to come home too. I thought she looked so adorable sitting there.

So yeah, that's all I got now. Be back soon.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cut their hair, wear shirts and boots (Part 118)...

Wife Beater Wednesdays
This week's theme: Wife Beaters Pulled Up!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The back of your hand somewhere on my behind (Part 1)...

Since it appears TMI Tuesdays have gone kaput, I thought I might start up my weekly feature for Tuesdays. So after much thought, reflection and contemplation, I give you...

Tooshie Tuesdays!

I'm gonna really like this feature.


Last Monday, I went to the doctor for a physical/regular visit. He told me that because of all the weight I had lost, my triglycerides were good, my bad cholestrol had dropped down to the levels he wanted it to be, my good cholestral wasn't as high as he wanted but still okay, and my blood pressure was, quote, "divine". However, my A1c, which was 8.4 previously, was now 8.9. And he wanted it under 6. And this means that my blood sugar situation, my diabetes, is NOT improving, even though everything else apparently has.

He said it's possibly my pancreas might just be shutting down production of insulin. Which would mean, if that happens, I have to go on insulin. Which means....shots. Shots I have to give myself! Ugh. I'm gonna keep trying to lose the weight and hopefully get things back under control. At work, I usually have several cups of tea during the day. I used to take it with 3 creamers and 3 sugars. I now take it with NOTHING. I can't give up Pepsi, but what I'm doing is, when I go out to eat, I get Diet Pepsi and somehow choke that down while I eat. When I have an ice cold glass of Pepsi at home, I still have to have regular Pepsi, but maybe that too will change eventually.

I hate making all these changes and giving up food and stuff I like...but I'd like giving myself shots even less.
Last week, one night, I got the DVD "The Boys In The Band" from Netflix. It's a gay classic and I figured it was about time I had seen it. What did I think of it? Well, as a slice of gay history from right around the Stonewall era, I think it's invaluable. But my GOD, it's a depressing film. Nearly all the gay men are suffer my axiety and self loathing. Few of them are very friendly towards one another. They're bitter and snippy and snide. I mean, yeah, there's some great lines, but a lot of they say is hurtful towards one another.

Nonetheless, I did enjoy the movie, mainly because, as I said, it was an enlightening look at gay history. To see how much Micheal tried to cover up from his straight friend what was going on was quite an eye opener. I mean now, I don't go around broadcasting my sexuality, but I certainly don't try to explain it away or make excuses or what have you.

But still, it's very interesting to see gay life as it was about the time I was born. And how, despite the problems still ongoing with gay rights, it shows how much times have changed.
Friday night, after work, I went to The ParisPekings for a supper of citrus chicken, stuffing, and mixed veggies cooked by A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking himself! I snapped a photo of the table after the vultures we finished eating.

After getting the girls to bed, we settled in to watch a movie and decided upon "Inglorious Basterds". I had wanted to see it what with all the Oscar buzz that surrounded it.

But my lord, it was boring. Plodding, tedious, slow...honest to God there were two times when I said out loud, "Can something happen, PLEASE?" The whole freakin' thing could have taken 40 minutes tops if they didn't waste all that time just sitting around talking. And talking about things that didn't even advance the plot or amount to anything. And don't even get me started on the historical inaccuracies.

I have no idea who thought this movie was even remotely Oscar worthy. I suppose it was the Tarantino name. With anyone else, this wouldn't even be a blip on anyone's radar.
Thursday night, right after work, I was invited out to dinner by two of my female coworkers. A former female coworker joined us there later. A tell you, a 'girl's night out' dinner is NOT like any other meal I've ever been to. There was talk of Vera Wang handbags, chick flicks movies I had never heard of, and discussions of the mysteries of their husbands' penises and penises in general. They had a lot of questions, and as the only one there WITH a penis, I tried to answer the questions for them. But they wouldn't listen, and kept chattering amongst themselves about all things penii. It was...exhausting.
I know for a FACT spring is here. When I was coming home from work Saturday, there was a wasp in the car. It kept flying around the back window, walking across it and such. I had all four windows down hoping he would fly out, but no. He liked it too much apparently. I drove to moms for another reason but I mentioned the wasp and she got two fly swatter out of the house and managed to trap the wasp on one of them, pull it out of the car and then shake it off. It wasn't damaged, it flew away. And I felt so impotent. It was my 67 year old mother that got the wasp out of MY car. *SIGH*
I've been running into Corey a lot recently, definitely a good thing, ya know? A week ago Saturday when I was at the mall with my co-worker to see a movie, we ran into Corey and talked a bit there. This past Satruday was Corey's 21st birthday, so I sent him a card and called him in the afternoon. Then, Sunday, my buddy Michelle and i decided to go for a walk in the park since it was so beautiful outside.

We werent' there anymore than ten minutes before Corey called me, he had seen my car in the parking lot. So we three met up there and walked around for a bit and talked and stuff. Just had a great time. And of course, Michelle loved him. I mean, how can one NOT love Corey.

As he was combing his beard, I laughed at him for his narcissim. He told me not to mock the beard comb. It all made me laugh, so I snapped a photo. This will probably be the first clear photo of him I've posted here. Enjoy.

And despite the cuteness shown above, I'll end this Bits-N-Pieces with the obligatory how sexy guy.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Singin' everywhere, shouting the praises of his loving...

Eight days ago, a fifteen year old boy in New Jersey picked up a phone in a Wal-Mart and said over the intercom "Attention Wal-Mart shoppers, all black people leave the store now." The police investigated, found the boy, arrested him, charged him and he'll be prosecuted.

Two days ago, as two Democratic black Congressmen walked by Tea Party crowds, several someones yelled something at them including the word nigger. There has been no investigation, no arrests, no prosecution.

So I suppose what we can learn from this is that a racist prank of a teenager in New Jersey is more dangerous, illegal, and worthy of punishment than the racist hate-filled shouts of adults in Washington DC.

Am I the only one who sees anything wrong with this situation?


The long drive home, you slept safe and close...

I was the first song suggestion taken by Josherz to record live singing whilst driving. What an honor that was. And it was a Rent song nonetheless.

Anyway, Josherz' several postings of singing in his car got me thinking of what I do in the car (get your mind out of the gutter). So I thought I'd make a recording of it. And this is it: my homage to Josherz, and...A Typical Drive Home From Work With Polt.


You're wantin' my body, I don't mind (Part 244)...

This week's theme: Ascending Numbers.







Sunday, March 21, 2010

Our little memo, to remind you of my demo...

I got tagged by Josherz with this meme. And since a) I think memes are fun (if narcisstic), b) I'm a slave to peer pressure and c) who really can deny Josherz anything, I'll go ahead and play along.

These are the rules:

1. Go to your first photo file and pick the 10th photo in it.
2. Tell the story behind the photo.
3. Tag 5 other people to do likewise.

So I went to my Flickr account, wherein I try to save my photos, and this is what I got:

I've already posted it, but that's what the meme rules say. It was taken at last year's Capital Pride Parade in DC. The parade Marshall for last year was Valerie Harper. Yes indeed, Rhoda herSELF was less than 5 feet away from me when her car passed by. I'm pretty sure I squealed like a 14 year old girl at a Jonas Brothers concert or at a Twilight movie premiere. And sadly, I'm also pretty sure that that was not the only time during the Pride Parade, filled shirtless hot sexy gay men, that I did so.

Now, I'm supposed to tag 5 other people. I don't like tagging people with memes I usually just say if anyone wants to do it, go ahead and do it. But as I'm in a rule following mood, I'll tag the following (pardon me if you've been already tagged with this):

Enrico (when he returns from St. Louis)
FDot (when he returns from North Carolina)
Sticky Crows (when he returns from Spain, naturally)
Strat's Garden (when she returns...from her dieting?)
TUG (when he returns from I don't know where, just trying to maintain the theme)


Drive my mini-Cooper and I'm feeling super-dooper (Part 67)...

Superman Sundays
As I mentioned previously, things are rather tough for Superman, what with having been fired from the Daily Planet and having to work as a stripper. Well, somehow, Lois kept her job and she even managed to pick up another writing gig writing for a woman's magazine, so she's not home much. And that means that Clark, who sits around all day (stripper hours are generally at night) has to do the chores: laundry, make the bed, vacuum, prepare the meals. On one particular night, Clark grew tired of potatos: eating them, preparing them, AND peeling them.

So he used some of his stripper tips and splurged for pizza.


Let's get unconscious, honey (Part 200)...

Unconscious Mutterings
These come each week from

I say ... and you think ... ?

Burrito :: Mexican
Spike :: Railroad
Tougher :: Harden
Mock :: ingbird
Slurp :: Drip
Knock :: Door
Conference :: National Football
Madness :: Of King George
Minds :: Telepathy
Connection :: Join


Saturday, March 20, 2010

and he's cruisin' every pad with a little surprise...

When I got home from work, I had the normal bills and stuff in the mail as well as a little package! It's was wrapped in lavendar paper, which, while I prefer darker color, was still purple, and so that made me smile. And then I saw the return address and smile more: it was from my buddy Amie!

She had written on each side "This side up" with an arrow. how funny!

And she even wrote on this on the bottom of it! (the really funny part is, the mailman had placed it in between my doors in the exact position, so he musta listened to her commands)

This is what was in the wrapping. And this made me chuckle. When Amie was in college (like 10-15 years ago) she would send me letters and since she was a poor college student, she'd make the envelopes out of anything: cereal box cardboard, newspaper print, fliers from the Sunday papers, whatever was handy. This box just kinda reminded me of that.

And inside, in a little plastic container and packaged with paper towels was a cupcake! She included a little note telling me her and her daughter (who I think is like 3 maybe 4) made these and she sent me one. And she told me to cut it in half, top to bottom.

This is what else I found: it was a rainbow cupcake!

And this is the two halves side by side. In her note, she also said she thought the icing would be all icky (it was, smeared all over) and that it would be stale (it wasn't, it was damn good!).

So, thanks Amie, and Amie's lil girl! How nice to know you thought of me when making rainbows! Yummy, yummy rainbows!

My baby's got a secret (Part 50)...

Secret Saturdays
This week's theme: Only words, no pictures.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me (Part 209)...

Frenching Fridays
This week's theme: Kissing Laying Down