Sunday, May 31, 2009

He was still hard at work even then...

This afternoon, I got home from mom's and saw that I had recieved a reply to my add on a men's hookup site (oh like you DON'T have one....please....). Anyway, I answered it, and got a reply back from the sender. He gave his phone number and his real name.

It was a co-worker.

*Insert awkward robot dance here*

But, I've always thought he was kinda cute, so I emailed back and told him who I was, and wasn't this awkward? but if he was still interested, then I was up for a hookup too, and gave him my phone number. With two minutes he called me. There was some nervous laughter at first, but then we talked a bit, and at the end, I asked him if he wanted to still come over. His response: "I'll jump in the shower and be there soon. I've always wanted to taste you."


So he got here, and let me tell you, it was amazing! He was here for almost three hours and I was making noises and feeling things I'm pretty sure I've never made nor felt before. To call it earth shattering sex would be an understatement. And I always thought of him as kinda...reserved. I guess it's the quiet ones you gotta watch out for.

It's funny, I've worked with him for several years now, I know him from around work, I've seen him a few times when I'm out like at the mall or a movie or whatever, but we've never hung out, nor did anything together before now, I wouldn't have called him a friend, just a co-worker. (And thusly, he shall be named CW, for initials or real names, as some of my other co-workers read this, and it's not my place to kiss and tell) I never really considered him as anything but a co-worker, but I thought he was kinda cute. But honestly, I never thought about it much, cause I never thought we'd ever be hooking up. Funny how the world works sometimes, eh?

Oh, and I simply can NOT wait for a rematch.

POLT Listening to "The Test" by The Chemical Brothers

Security is the essential roadblock to achieving the road map to peace. - George W. Bush

Drive my mini-Cooper and I'm feeling super-dooper (Part 54)...

Superman Sundays

This is some guy in the uniform of the Kingdom Come Superman.

If you've not read Kingdom Come, you really should. It's a great story. Although even that Superman doesn't look as good in the uniform as this guy does. Tightly stretched shirt, bulbous thighs, cute face...yeah, now THIS is the Superman I've always wanted to see in a movie.

POLT Listening to "How Much More" by The Go-Go's

Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. - Napoleon

Part 234...

Shirtlessness du jour

POLT Listening to "Coffee And TV" by Blur Oil: 66.64 (-); Gas: 2.42 (-)

President Reagan, while pushing the usual Robin Hood in reverse agenda of the right wing, distinguishes himself with and over-the-top loopiness. He averts that trees cause pollution, fails to recognize the sole African-American member of his cabinet, and relates transparently fabricated anecdotes about welfare queens buying vodka with food stamps. All this is done with a sly wink to the camera and a cloying air of simulated folksiness. - Gutterboys

Let's get unconscious honey (Part 159)...

Unconscious Mutterings
These come each week from

I say ... and you think ... ?

Nursery :: Baby
Side effect :: Sickness
Heart to heart :: Talk
Try :: Do
Hog :: Warts
Symptom :: Coughing
Collide :: Crash
Fury :: Anger
Incorporated :: Business
Summer :: Hot

POLT Listening to "Welcome To Paradise" by Green Day

Our credit cards are fake and we've been saddled with an unfair existence, so why not splurge? - Morph, The Exiles #11

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Part 233...

Shirtlessness du jour

POLT Listening to the silence in my apartment Oil: 66.64 (-); Gas: 2.42 (+.02)

Ohmigod, y'all he did the choreography for a Alyssa Milano video, and then, cut to a week later, guess who's got panty crickets? Me. You do the math. - Amy Poehler, as Britney Spears, SNL

My baby's got a secret (Part 129)...

Secret Saturdays
These come each week from

No theme, just randomness.

POLT Listening to "Boogie With Stu" by Led Zeppelin

Now we see why Pamela Anderson is so attracted to Kid Rock: he doesn't speak above her intellectual level, which is about that of small household mammals. - Ed The Sock

Friday, May 29, 2009

Watchin' all the ground beneath you drop....

According to Xi_Heather, my purple P cookie making buddy, her sister was in a Radiohead video where she opened something and then got blown up. I remembered immediately the video, but had to find it cause I wasn't sure which song it was.

This, my friends, is the video to "High And Dry" by Radiohead, staring Radiohead and Xi_Heather's sister.

What is so completely awesome about this is, I'm only 4 degrees of seperation away from Radiohead! (me - Xi-Heather - her sister - Radiohead!) Suh-WEET!

I just gotta wonder if she got to keep the nifty leather jacket.

POLT Listening to "High And Dry" by Radiohead

No matter how good she looks, some other guy is sick and tired of putting up with her shit.

Part 232...

Shirtlessness du jour

POLT Listening to "One Way Or Another" by Blondie Oil: 66.64 (+1.95); Gas: 2.40 (+.01)

My mother told me to be wary of fauns. - Mercedes, Pan's Labrynth

Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me (Part 187)...

Frenching Fridays
No theme this week, just total randomness.

POLT Listening to "Basket Case" by Green Day

Misspeller of the world: UNTIE!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

You look tired and happy...

Because it's my blog, and because I've been on a Radiohead kick lately, and because you can really NEVER see too many Radiohead videos, I give you "No Surprises" by Radiohead.

Radiohead - No Surprises

I wanted to put up "Let Down" but the video freakin' sucks.

POLT Listening to "No Surprises" by Radiohead

The march to war hurt the economy. Laura reminded me a while ago that remember what was on the TV screens - she calls me 'George W.' - 'George W.'. I call her 'First Lady'. No anyway - she said, we said, march to war on our TV screens. - George W. Bush

Part 231...

Shirtlessness du jour

POLT Listening to "Die Another Day" by Madonna Oil: 64.69 (+1.70); Gas: 2.39 (+.03)

Listen, Josh, the way you present yourself - I'm trying to think of a nice way to put this - it's annoying as hell and makes me want to hurl you to your death. - Huntress, Birds Of Prey #68

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 163)...

Once more, it's time for....

After a one week suspension for an anniversary photo, we now return to the series called Polt Wacky Undies. I know I've shown there on here before, but under different circumstances.

These are my Chinese Fortune Cookie Undies. Anyone wanna pull something out and see if it tells their fortune?

To see what other people put up this week click HERE

POLT Listening to "Our Time Is Running Out" by Muse

It's the classic Washington scandal: we screwed up by telling the truth. - CJ Cregg, The West Wing

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

In your courts you'll find me...

Got a few thoughts on recent political stuff.

Firstly, Sonomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court. My initial thought is, I don’t know anything about this choice, but I presume Obama and his people DO, and as I’ve been pleased with most of the decisions he’s made since he took office (and even during the campaign), I’ll trust him to have made the right decision this time as well.

My thoughts on the Republican response to her is that they’d be fools to seriously oppose her. Oh, the far right wingnut base wants a filibuster of her because a) they have to opposed absolutely ANYthing Obama does or proposes because that’s what they do (he could have appointed Jesus Christ himself to the SCOTUS, and Boss Limbaugh would find reasons to oppose him…and the party would follow him in lockstep like lemmings) and b) they are after all fools.

But opposing her is a waste of time. Sen. Collins from ME, a Republican, has already complimented Obama on the selection, so there’s the 60th vote, even if somehow Pawlenty uphold Franken’s getting into the Senate long enough to keep him from voting for cloture on a potential filibuster. Sonomayor’s going to sail through the process and be confirmed easily, barring any new information like she screws sheep in her off ours, or has a hobby of biting the heads off babies.

Opposing her is also a waste because she’s replacing a solid left leaning judge. Her being on the bench will not change the makeup of the court in ideological terms. Should Scalia or Thomas vacate the court during Obama's term (God willing), then THAT would be the nominee for the Republicans to fight tooth and nail over. Kinda like when Bush appointed wingnut Alito to replace moderate O'Conner, and how that changed the balance of the court.

I think the best thing they could do would be to put a up a token protest over her, but let it pass and wait for bigger fish. They have to learn to pick their battles. And they've been nothing but the Part Of NO since the beginning of the year, and they don't need to cement it any further by filibustering this.

I don't think, however, they'll listen to me. In fact, I HOPE they don't. Cause the bigger idiots they make out of themselves, the better off it is for the Democratic party.

Secondly, about the California Supreme Court's decision on Prop 8. In a nutshell, the court decided not to overturn Prop 8, but to allow the 18000 gay marriages performed before it's passage to remain. I don't have all the details on it, but I must say, in my opinion, both decisions were correctly decided. It's not the way I WANTED them decided, but in my mind, it's the only way it could be decided.

Prop 8 changed the California Constitution to make discrimination legal against gay and lesbian citizens of the state. I think that's wrong, but a majority of those who voted wanted it that way. And since that was legal now, the Cal. Supreme Court had no choice but to allow it to stand, since it's now the law of the state, right or wrong. But, since it's NOT retroactive, they were right to let the already preformed marriages stand.

In the end I think the point's moot. If not next year, certain in 2012, there will be another ballot initiative to overturn Prop 8 and allowed gay marriage. And it will pass, if not in 2010 or 2012, it WILL pass within the next ten years. I mean look back 10 years to 1999: not a single state allowed gay marriage, now there are 5, with more forthcoming. In fact, 10 years ago, gay sex was illegal in many states, that's since been overturning.

The bigots and wingnuts can fight all the like, but they're fighting a rising tide. Gay marriage WILL be the law of the land, the WHOLE land, in my lifetime. Of that I have no doubt. Simply because a case about this will reach the US Supreme Court in that time, and when Scalia and Thomas are no more that unfortunate footnotes in history, a more enlightened, open minded, less discriminatory Court (hopefully with three or four more Obama appointees) will have the case. And then the Equal Protection clause of the US Constitution will be enforced for ALL citizens concerning marriage, and not just some.

POLT Listening to "Boogie Shoes" by K.C. And The Sunshine Band

The last thing I need is some young punk frolicking in my nethers. - Livonia, Malcolm In The Middle

Part 230...

Shirtlessness du jour

POLT Listening to "Call Me" by Blondie Oil: 35.99 (+.32); Gas: 2.36 (-.02)

It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it. - George W. Bush

Cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots (Part 92)...

Wife Beater Wednesdays

This week has no theme just total randomness.

POLT Listening to "All These Things That I Have Done" By The Killers

It eludes me how anyone can support a political philosophy that is defined by its open hostility toward people like oneself. - Leonard Pitts

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Got some cookies from our junk food run...

I came home from work today, and what should I find in my vestibule? (get your minds outta the gutter!) A PACKAGE! I LOVE packages! I wondered who it was from, and as I carried it up the stairs (not reading the return address on purpose, why ruin the surprise?) I remembered that Xi_Heather had emailed me that she and TwoPi had sent me a package! And then I was REALLY excited! And of course, then I thought of all you guys and how I know you'd want to share my excitement, so...

the package unopened. I truly believe I might have been squealing a little as I looked around for a knife.

Ooooooh, the suspence mounts!

This was the card! I hate summer, too hot, but because of this, I might just have a good one!

LOOK! It's Purple "P" cookies!!!!!! Is that amazing or WHAT? And so thoughtful!

They're purpley delicious!

Thanks you guys! Don't let anyone tell you that people you meet online are all weirdos. Well, most of them are, but weird in a good way! I mean who else in my life, in my 41 years, has EVER made me purple "P" cookies! And they're SOOO good!

Thanks again, guys! You're Purplastic!

POLT Listening to "No Need To Argue" by The Cranberries

In life, whoever has the most fun, wins! - TV commercial

Part 229...

Shirtlessness du jour

POLT Listening to "Countdown With Keith Olbermann" Oil: 62.67 (+1.12); Gas: 2.38 (+.02)

If you are sick and tired of the politics of cynicism and polls and principles, come and join this campaign! - George W. Bush

An utterance, information, don't mince words

TMI Tuesdays

1. Before the industrial revolution, most people never traveled more than 30 miles from their home. How far from your birth place do you now live? About 14 miles. In fact, all of my mom’s aunts, uncles, siblings, nieces, nephews, and various cousins live within two hours of her house, expect for one uncle and his family.
2. What is the fartherest distancet from home you have you have ever had sex or an orgasm? What is there farthest distance you have travelled from your home to have a sexual encounter? I had an orgasm in Rome Italy, so that’ll be the fartherst. I’ve traveled to Toronto with the assumption of sexual encounters, not with a specific person I knew ahead of time though.
3. How many states (or Canadian provences or your country's geopolitical division) and counties have you had sex and/or an orgasms in? Let me see: states - PA, MD, DE, NJ, VA, WV; countries – Canada, Bahamas, England, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, so the answer is 6 for each question.
4. Have you ever had sex in a vehicle? While the vehicle was moving? Yes and yes.
5. Do you have any travel related fantasy? If so, share, please. No, not really.
Bonus: On holidays that honor our military do you tend to rememeber those currently serving or veterans of military service? I don’t honestly know any veterans personally, but I do stop and say a prayer for them at the designated times (3pm on Memorial Day, 11am on Veterans Day).


Monday, May 25, 2009

You're wantin' my body, I don't mind (Part 200)...


In honor of Memorial Day, today's guys are all military...or at least appear to be military. I cannot attest to whether they are actually military or not. But, in the end, does it really matter?

Happy Memorial Day, to everyone who celebrates it.

POLT Listening to "When You're A Boy" by David Bowie

"I'm way too old to go shopping with my mother." "You're not if she's buying." - Brian, Queer As Folk

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The weekends open wide, fill it up...

So what have I been up to recently, you ask? I'll tell you, with aid from some visuals.

Last Saturday night early evening, I met up with some ex-Borders employees for another getogether at Fridays. Best part of this one was that The Mighty Lee came back to town for the reunion. He left Borders like 7 years ago, and we've not seen him since, although thanks to the Interwebs, he's been in contact for some months with us. At any rate, we all had a blast there.

The Mighty Lee and Virginia

A blurry Ghostie and Mama Kathy (who just recently informed us she always thought of Ghostie and I as Lucy and Ethel, which pleased me to the core! Of COURSE, I was Lucy!)

Half the table: me, The Mighty Lee, Virginia and Ghostie.

The Mighty Lee and I...and thanks to either my strange camera, or Ghostie lack of photographic skill, we're all blurry. Just pretend we took the photo in the midst of an earthquake, and it'll all be fine.

THEN, after that, I went to Michelle's for the goodbye party for Cara!

Michelle took a photo of me with the hot, sexy Jeremy, and Michelle's grandmother. I lurve her. She's of the age where she can say anything about anything, and no one can say anything back to her about it, cause she's old. I wanna be a sassy old grandmotherly type when I reach her age.

Michelle's toilet always make me laugh. Obviously, the seat was purchased seperately, and they don't quite fit. I always giggle when I'm using it, and usually drunk as well, and yet, somehow I don't miss and hit the floor.

Cara, the goodbye girl herself. Not at all sure why she's looking so grumpy. Must be cause she knows she's not gonna get to see me for two months.

I played a team drinking game, and somehow, our team won. This is me, though, looking under the cabinet to mock hot sexy Jeremy about how he's screwing up and losing.

This is the back of an incredibly cute guy that was there. Perhaps you can see how cute he was from his neck, ear, and the back of his head? Cute, but seemingly very stuck on himself. Maria, my new Latina girlfriend, and I decided we'd both do him cause he's so hot, but we'd feel guilty later for schtupping such an arrogant guy. For a few minutes anyway.

Then Sunday, I went to Bob, Don, and Janet's for lunch and just hanging out. Fun times. The only photos I got were of their dogs though.

This is Beau, he loves to run in the fountain and bark at and chase and nip at all the waves he causes. He also chases a laser pointer like cats do. I think he may be retarded. Cute as hell, but still.

This is Simba, poor thing. Don decided to clip him, but the clippers sucked, so he only got like half of him done, and he wasn't done well. He looked to me like a Frankenstein dog: head of one dog, neck of another paws from all different dogs, you get the idea. I almost called the SPCA cause it was nearly animal abuse.

Then, yesterday, I went to my cousin Cam's 4th birthday party. There were TONS of relatives, lots of food, cake and ice cream! But is it wrong that I took the most photos of my cousin Kyle?

These below, however, are the birthday boy himself.

And this below, is the birthday cake. The birthday cake with some PURPLE icing.
And there's Neapolitan ice cream, served on a Dora birthday plate, but the most important thing is PURPLE icing!

And after that, I called Corey, and he stopped by. (unfortunately, I got no photos of this) My apartment was stuffy, so as soon as he got there, he took off his shirt and went around in just his grey wifebeater. *SIGH* I don't think he knows what hot guys in wife beaters do for me. But he wasn't there very long before his girlfriend Krissy stopped by as well.

Usually, Corey and I sit on the couch and talk or watch movies or whatever. But since she was coming over, I took a chair, and let them sit together. And upon meeting her in person, I have to unfortunately say I still like her. Probably even moreso now. She really is fun, and funny. I wanted to hate her, and OH believe me, I tried. But it just wasnt working.

One funny thing was, though, is how she was so possessive of him. I mean, he'd lean forwards, and she's rub his back. He'd lean back, her hand as on his leg. She leaned her head on his shoulder cause she was tired. She'd trace her fingernails down his shoulders and arms lightly. I don't think Corey was even aware of it, cause he and I just kept talking and he didn't seem to pay too much attention to her, only taking and holding her hand once. I suppose my witty reporte is just that captivating. And I didn't say anything about it, but I did smile inwards. Does she view me as a threat? tee, hee.

But we shook hands as she left, and I hugged Corey, at HIS insistance. that's not unusual, I mean we usually hug hello and goodbye everytime. but this time, I was laying off the hugging goodbye, cause, ya know, she was there. And when we did say goodbye, he opened HIS arms and said, "Gimme a hug, ya big lug." And I DID.

And yes, I DID swoon and float around my apartment the rest of the night, thank you very much.

So that's why a lot of the recent posts have been kinda impersonal: I've been busy. Don'tcha hate it when real life intereferes on virtual life?

POLT Listening to "Jin Go Lo Ba" by Fatboy Slim

If I had to have sex with a woman it would be Hillary Swank. Or Tobey MacGuire! - Will, Will & Grace