Saturday, August 31, 2019

And hey, yesterday, ten years ago, August 30th, 2009, I signed the paperwork and officially became a home owner.

Can't believe I've owned and lived in this place for an entire decade.....


New York, this is your last chance.....

Valerie Harper passed away yesterday at the age of 80.  

When I was in high school and college, I remember they played Rhoda reruns on a local TV station. I've seen every episode several times, I'm sure. Haven't seen them in years, but I did enjoy them when I was watching them.  A very funny show.

Now, Rhoda Morgenstern and Mary Richards are together again. 


The truth is I never left you (Part 893)....

TRUTH In The Time Of tRump!

Ad just this week, he announced children of US servicepeople born overseas will not automatically get American citizenship. 

And yet, somehow, despite all this, military personnel support this bastard still!  What the hell is wrong with some people???


If I were a hero I'd be Martin Luthor (Part 1280)...

Superhero Anydays

Today we have, by John Byrne, the mutant sorceress, her synthazoid husband, both long time Avengers: Scarlet Witch and The Vision!

Also today we have some cosplay of the villainous Nazi, and founder of Hydra, The Red Skull!


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 1584)....

Check This Out!


I took the road less traveled by (Part 1003)...


Today's map shows the Hapsbourg Monarchy in 1789.

The Hapsbourgs ruled the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Belgium, and, apparently, a lot of other little places around Europe.


My baby's got a secret (Part 635)...

Secret Saturdays

These come each week from

This week we have Secrets And Food


Friday, August 30, 2019

The truth is I never left you (Part 892)....

TRUTH In The Time Of tRump!


I took the road less traveled by (Part 1002)...


Today we have a map of Vietnam.


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luthor (Part 1279)...

Superhero Anydays

Today we have the sexiest female member (drawn in possibly the most sexiest way) of the Legion Of Super-Heroes: Dream Girl.

And today we also have some superhero t-shirts on some guys at school.

Homer Simpson (not a superhero); Thundercats (not really a superhero); Superman (OBVIOUSLY a superhero); The Flash (totally a superhero): Batman (yep, a superhero); and what I first thought was a Green Lantern thing but which is, I think a mushroom thingee from Mario or something.


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 1583)....

Check This Out!

Helpful hint: Always make sure your car doors are shut tight before going into your home to wait out a blizzard.


A people, a tongue and a nation (Part 532)....

Luscious Licks


Latex thongs, licorice whips, strap it on (Part 143)...

Mankini Men


You abandoned me, love don't live here anymore (Part 170)...

Abandoned Places


It's so cool to be uncool (Part 222)...

What's Cool?

You think you're cool?  Well you'll NEVER be as cool as these gents, all dolled up in their fashion ties and fashion.....shorts.

And those fashion.....shorts, are only $7.99!!!! WOW!


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 1582)...

Check This Out!


Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me (Part 582)...

Frenching Fridays


Thursday, August 29, 2019

The truth is I never left you (Part 891)...

TRUTH In The Time Of tRump!


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 1581)...

Check This Out!


I took the road less traveled by (Part 1001)...


Today's map shows Europe, circa 900AD


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luthor (Part 1278)....

Superhero Anydays

Today we have by Kevin Maguire, Captain America in action!

And today we also have the best writer of the Legion of Super-Heroes, Paul Levitz, surrounded by two cosplayers of two of the Legions founding members: Saturn Girl & Cosmic Boy.


I'm a sex pistol, my love should be illegal (Part 107)...

Second Amendment Sanity


I'm crazy for you, touch me once and you'll know it's true (Part 85)...

Comic Book Craziness

um...pretty sure Robin exposing himself would illegal...a few times over....


Rita Hayworth, gave good face (Part 554)...

Fetching Faces


You're the devil in disguise, that's why I'm dancing (Part 225)....

Cats Are Evil


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 1580)...

Check This Out!


You'll have to pay, which leg do you want (Part 265).....

Thursday Thighs


Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The truth is I never left you (Part 890)...

TRUTH In The Time Of tRump!


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luthor (Part 1277)....

Superhero Anydays

Today we have a pencil drawing of two of the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Mon-El and Element Lad
And today we also have Tom Holland as Spider-Man....and I'ma just leave this here....enjoy.


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 1579)...

Check This Out!



I took the road less traveled by (Part 1000)...


Today's map shows the city of Athens in 2AD.


I used to live in a tiny bubble (Part 261)....



It's so cool to be uncool (Part 221)....

What's Cool?

You think you're cool?  Well you'll never be as cool as Walter Cronkite watching the moon landings in July 1969.


Get up and move it, to the music (Part 405)....



You abandoned me, love don't live here anymore (Part 169).......

Abandoned Places


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 1579)...

Check This Out!

This is me every freakin' morning before I finished my coffee!

.....and some mornings even AFTER my coffee......


Cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots (Part 593)...

Wife Beater Wednesdays

This week, we have Wife Beaters And Suspenders!