Thursday, August 31, 2017

The truth is I never left you (Part 196)...

TRUTH In The Time Of tRump!

Sad.  Sad, but totally true.


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 817)...

Check This Out!


I took the road less traveled by (Part 306)...


Today we have a map showing Merlin's journey in "Finding Nemo".


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luthor (Part 666)...

Superhero Anydays

Since this is the 666th Superhero Anydays, we have Marvel's Son Of Satan himself: Damian Hellstrom!

He was husband to Hellcat and member of The Defenders for a time.
And today, we also have some Damian Hellstrom cosplay.

The wig is horrible on the second one, but that body is SOOOOO much better....


It's so cool, to be uncool (Part 56)...

What's Cool?

You think you're cool?  Well you'll never be as cool as Rudolph Nureyev, in super tight pants, dancing with a very young Ricky Schroder at Studio 54 in the mid/late 70s.


Keeping it together all in the family (Part 240)...

Gemini Guys

Today we have a pair of naked, blonde, Aryan-esque twins, not identical, but twins still....


Rollin, rollin, rollin and you were stolen (Part 38)...

Dice Shaming


You'll have to pay, which leg do you want (Part 165)....

Thursday Thighs

Today we have a spectacular set of thighs (and abs and biceps and thin waist) on a hot Black guy in a locker room bathroom.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The truth is I never left you (Part 195)...

TRUTH In The Time Of tRump!

Yeah, this is an excellent representation of ANY international grouping where tRump is present.  Sad.


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luthor (Part 665)...

Superhero Anydays

Today we have a member of the Legion of Substitute-Heroes, Color Kid!

And today we have hot shirtless Iron Fist cosplay!


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 816)...

Check This Out!

How much water has fallen on Houston from Harvey?  How about these comparisons?

But hey, all that really matter, is that lots of people turned out to see tRump in Corpus Christi, right?


I took the road less traveled by (Part 305)...


Today we have a map showing California in Australia, for comparison purposes.


Get up and move it, to the music (Part 287)...


Yep, I do not think that's the correct order.


You abandoned me, love don't live here anymore (Part 50)...

Abandoned Places!

Today we have an abandoned circular room, with beautiful window and door and unfortunately, a puddle of water in the middle of the floor and debris on the the walls.


Pink elephants and lemonade, dear Jessie (Part 267)....

Real Men Wear Pink

Sometimes, they wear tight pink undies just barely keeping their cheeks covered, in front of a pink wall.


Cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots (Part 492)...

Wife Beater Wednesdays

This week, we have Wife Beaters Outside!


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The truth is I never left you (Part 194)...

TRUTH In The Time Of tRump!


I took the road less traveled by (Part 304)...


Today, we have a map of the Arctic.


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luthor (Part 664)...

Superhero Anydays

Today we have, by Barry Kitson, an early line-up of the Avengers.

Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Captain America, and Hawkeye....also known as Cap's Kooky Quartet.
Today we also have a Batman t-shirt, and nothing else but a pair of bikini briefs, on a cute twin.


Check this out, real quick, don't know how many people know (Part 815)...

Check This Out!

Today, another beautiful library!


Get up and move it, to the music (Part 286)...



You abandoned me, love don't live here anymore (Part 49)...

Abandoned Places

Today we have a beautiful stone mansion.  Beautiful even in it's falling down state.


I need to be dazzling, I need to be Rainbow High (Part 48)...

Pride Prisms

Rainbow Pride Balloons.   Unfortunately, there's missing the purple balloons......


The back of your hand somewhere on my behind (Part 351)...

Tooshie Tuesdays

This week we have Not Totally Naked Glasses And Asses!

Glasses and pants, turtleneck, jacket, and ass

Glasses and green jeans, dress shirt and ass.

Glasses and jockstrap and ass

Glasses and spandex something and ass

Glasses and tuque and pants with suspenders and ass

Glasses and tshirt and ass

Glasses and shorts, wifebeater, socks and shoes, and ass

Glasses and thong and ass

Glasses and tuque and jeans and ass

Glasses and socks and ass


Monday, August 28, 2017

The truth is I never left you (Part 193)...

TRUTH In The Time Of tRump!

Sad.  Sad, but absolutely, entirely, NOT Fake News, true!


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 814)...

Check This Out!


I took the road less traveled by (Part 303)...


Today we have the Upside-Down World Map!

Kinda feels like we're living in that place, what with all the insanity taking place in DC with Bonny Donny nowadays.....


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luthor (Part 663)...

Superhero Anydays

Today we have the cover from a Marvel comic book, from 1977, and with a very unique collection of superheroes.

I'm just gonna start naming them, starting in the lower left: Nightcrawler, Power Man, Moondragon, Shiang-Chi Master Of Kung Fu, Black Panther, Valkyrie, Colossus.
Next row-ish: Cyclops, Hallcat, Silver Surfer, Iron Fist,  Wolverine, Hawkeye, Banshee, Hercules, Spider-Woman
Next row-ish: Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Iceman, Nick Fury
Next row-ish: Beast, Dr. Strange, Nova, Nighthawk, Namor the Sub-Mariner
Top row: Captain Marvel, Storm, Falcon, Black Widow, Phoenix and Angel.

Don't think I've forgotten anyone....
Also today, we've got Mark Anthony, who I follow on Instragram, wearing a Batman half shirt, but showing off those abs, bicep and the dazzling smile.