Sunday, April 21, 2019

Just finished the second episode of Season 8 of Game Of Thrones.  Potential spoilers ahead.

I'm gonna go ahead here and give my guesses as to who doesn't survive the battle of Winterfell.

Either Grey Worm or Missandei are dead.  There's no way anyone making plans for the future is gonna be alive to see them.  Since he's going out onto the battlefield I assume it'll be him.  But it could be both.  Either way I'm confident they'll not see the beaches of Naath again.

Ser Jorah Mormont is a gonner.   Sam said he'd see him with the Tarly valerian steel sword afterwards, or something.  No, no they wont.  And since I think Sam's gonna survive the series and he's not going in battle and since Jorah is...well bye Jorah.

Of the group in the large room with the fireplace, I think only Jamie and Tyrion and possible Ser Brienne of Tarth is gonna make it (although they may have her die a knight....and that would piss me off, but still....)  Giantbane, Podrick, even Ser Davos is gonna die (I think Ser Davos because he said he's survived many battles, etc, etc.)

The Hound will make it, cause he's got to have the big final battle with the Mountain.  So that being the case, I assume the other guy, with one eye, is gonna die.

Of the remaining trio, as I said, I think Sam with survive the series.  I think Jon/Aegon with survive the battle of Winterfell (although if he survives the series, I don't know), so that means the third guy, Edd, I think his name is, is gonna die.

I don't think Lyanna Mormont's gonna make, just because I think her death is gonna piss so many people off (much as Podrick's will).  And for some reason, that leader of the Knight's of the Vale, always with Sansa, can't think of his name...I think he's a deader too.  No reason, just that this upcoming battle is gonna allow them to clear a LOT of the deadwood away.....not that these are worthless characters, just minor ones.

Perhaps Arya and Gedry have united the Houses of Stark and Baratheon now....but who knows?  And while we're on the subject, I did NOT need to see Arya's tits.  Come ON!  She's like everyone lil sister!  Was that REALLY necessary?

SO anyway, I guess we'll know how correct I am in a week.


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