Sunday, July 21, 2019

The object of my desire, I'm walking on a wire (Part 186)...

Walks 2019

Today, Michelle and I went to Sherperdstown WV to eat a restaurant there.  Said restaurant, though, we full, had a waiting list, and the a/c didn't really seem to be working well.  So we decided to take a walk through town (it's very small) and check out other places to eat.  

We walked .54 miles in 16 minutes.

(but since it was hotter than Satan's taint, and more humid as well, we didn't walk long or far, and ended up going back to Boonsboro to eat).

Seen on today's walk: The Sheperdstown Opera House.

It's an independent movie theater now, but I love this building.  It's narrow, it's taller than surrounding buildings, the arches, the seemingly out of place little part that juts out on the second floor....very unique and distinctive design!


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