Monday, September 23, 2019

Hey kids,  I've been having problems with things loading very slowly sometimes on the laptop.  I thought it was the Modem (as this has been a problem before).  I reset the modem myself, and then called the cable company and had the automated answering service send a reset to the modem.  That helped things....initially.

So this morning, I was on the phone with the cable company, two lovely helpful ladies assisted me over the course of an hour.  Turns out, we think the problem isn't with the modem, but with my laptop network adapter.


The one lady told me if I needed one, any computer store would be able to help, but they can get a bit pricey.  She said there have external network adapter that plug into a USB port and cost only like 20-30 dollars.

SO what I'm doing now is I'm just gonna keep going as I have been until, it fails completely and I can't log on at all, OR until the slowness of it all pisses me off so much I can't take it anymore.  At which points, I guess I'll go get an external adapter and see how things go then.

So anyway, if the Palace goes dark (ie un-updated) for a few days, just assume this is what happened.  And as soon as I get everything back up and running, whatever it is I have to do, I'll be back.


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