Monday, November 25, 2019

You say it's your birthday, it's my birthday too, yeah.....

So, kids, you know what today is?  It's Uncle Polt's birthday.  (and I'm posting this at 1:59pm, cause that's the exact time I came into the world) Today I complete my 52nd trip around the sun and start my 52nd year on this planet.

To put my life and where I am in it in a little perspective, I looked at 10 famous people to see what they were up to when they were 52.

- My dad had a child graduating college when he was 52. 
- Ernest Hemmingway was working on his Pulitzer Prize winning novel "The Old Man And The Sea" when he was 52.
- John F Kennedy was dead for 6 years when he would have turned 52.
- Sir Ian McKellen was still 8 years away from portraying Gandolf in The Lord Of The Rings & Magneto in the X-Men when he was 52.
- Wolfgang Mozart was dead for 17 years when he would have turned 52.
- Barack Obama had just won re-election to the Presidency when he was 52.
- George Perez, my favorite comic book artist was still drawing for DC Comics when he was 52.
- Emmett Smith, former Cowboy and the NFL running back with the most running yards in history, is still 2 years away from turning 52.
- Queen Elizabeth II had just completed her Silver Jubilee when she was 52.
- Oprah Winfrey had just signed a 3  year, $55 million deal on Sirius Radio when she was 52.

Hmmm, well I dont have a kid, or a book I'm writing, or a Sirius Radio deal, or a Presidency to run, or comic books to draw, but at least I'm not dead, so there is that.


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