Sunday, January 31, 2021

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 1875)...

 Superhero Anydays

Today we have, by the Great George Perez, the Avengers (4 of the 5 founders, and Captain America, who joined after 4 issues).

Hank Pym in his Giant-Man persona.
Iron Man
The Wasp (in a particularly bad costume and with particularly unfortunate hair)
Captain America
And today we have some cosplayers at a convention somewhere. 

Earth-2's Doctor Mid-Nite and his "sidekick" Hooty the owl
A gender bent female Phantom Stranger
The Spectre


I took the road less traveled by (Part 1496)....


Today's map shows, in light blue, the Netherlands, and in purple, Indonesia, at one point a colony of the Netherlands.


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2557)...

 Check This Out!

Awwwww, this is just adorable. 


It's so cool to be uncool (Part 522)...

 What's Cool?

You think you're cool?  Well you'll never be as cool as the cast (and the hair and the shoulder pads) of The Facts Of Life, back in 1986. 

Clockwise from bottom left: 
Mindy "Natalie" Cohn, Lisa "Blair" Whelchel, George "George" Clooney (a few years Pre-ER), Mackenzie "Andy" Austin, Nancy "Jo" McKeon, Kim "Tootie" Fields, with Cloris "Beverly" Leachmen in the center (RIP).


Rita Hayworth, gave good face (Part 471)...

 Fetching Faces


Put your love to the test (Part 229)...

 Where To Put It?

So where should this one go?  Fetchign Faces?  Luscious Licks?  Tooshie Tuesdays?  Perhaps even Shirtless Mondays? 


Out of control, cause this dog ain't new (Part 265)...

 Heavenly Hounds

May you always be as happy and joyful as this dog experiencing his first snow!


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2556)...

 Check This Out!


I drive my mini-Cooper and I'm feeling super-dooper (Part 603)...

 Superman Sundays

This week we have Superman Stuff And One Arm Flexed!


Let's get unconscious honey (Part 880)...


These come each week from

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Recording :: Tape
  2. Tumble :: Fall
  3. Fixate :: Obsess
  4. Border :: National
  5. Humming :: Song
  6. Scratch :: Itch
  7. Exhausted :: Tired
  8. Gurgle :: Baby
  9. Nostalgia :: Memories
  10. Squeak :: Mouse

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2555)...

 Check This Out! have two questions........

1)  What The FUCK?
2) WHY?????


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 1874)...

 Superhero Anydays

Today is a Justice Society Of America Day!  They formed in Golden Age during WWII on Earth-2.

This comic book panel is drawn by Joe Staton and inked, unflatteringly, by I think Joe Giello.  Anyway, bottom row we have Dr. Fate, The Flash and Green Lantern.  
Upper row: Power Girl (Earth-2 Superman's cousin, aka, the Earth-2 equivalent of Supergirl), Hawkman, and The Huntress (daughter of Earth-2's Batman and Catwoman)
And today we also have some pretty dark JSA cosplay. 

Kneeling: The Atrom
Standing: Dr. Mid-Night, Dr. Fate, Sandman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Hourman, Hawkman, Green Lantern, Starman and the Spectre


I took the road less traveled by (Part 1495)...


Today's map shows the largest place of foreign born residents by state, in 2018.

Purple - Canada
Yellow - China (which is surprising for West Virginia)
Red - Cuba
Brick - Dominican Republic
Brown - El Salvador
Green - Mexico
Orange - India
Pink - Philippines


Put your love to the test (Part 228)...

 Where To Put It?

So where should this one go?  Gemini Guys? Shirtless Mondays?  Heavenly Hounds?  Maybe even Luscious Licks? 


A people, a tongue, and a nation (Part 706)...

 Luscious Licks


You're the devil in disguise, that's why I'm dancing (Part 296)...

 Cats Are Evil

Not surprising....evil, evil, evil...


Keeping it together, all in the family (Part 484)...

 Gemini Guys


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2554)...

 Check This Out!

Truer words were never spoken. 


My baby's got a secret (Part 708)...

 Secret Saturdays

These come each week from

Since I got my second COVID shot earlier this week, today we have Secrets And Social Distancing!


Friday, January 29, 2021

I took the road less traveled by (Part 1494)...


Today's map shows the Federal Prison System.


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2553)...

 Check This Out!

Um...well.....okay, sure. 


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 1873)...

 Superhero Anydays

Today, by the criminally underrated Paul Smith, we have a Cannonball Special in action: Colossus tossing Wolverine towards...well, whatever Wolverine wants tossed at.

And today we also have a sexy Asian guy in a Spider-Man costume!


I'm crazy for you, touch me once, and you'll know it's true (Part 155).....

Comic Book Craziness

Well at least Peter Parker's girlfriend and future wife, MJ, has her priorities straight: worried about a ferocious tiger, or about missing Laverne & Shirley?  Such tough decisions....


I need to be dazzling, I need to be rainbow high (Part 402)...

 Pride Prisms

Today we have a pack of rainbow quarantine masks, ready for purchase and use!


Put your love to the test (Part 227)....

 Where To Put It?

So where should this one go?  Real Men Wear Pink?  Tooshie Tuesdays?  Thursday Thighs? 


The truth is I never left you (Part 1297)...

 TRUTH After The Time Of tRump 
(impeached, infected, 
defeated & treasonous)


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2552).....

 Check This Out!


Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me (Part 643)...

 Frenching Fridays

Since I got my second COVID vaccine shot earlier this week, today we have Quarantine Mask Kisses!


Thursday, January 28, 2021

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 1872)...

 Superhero Anydays

Today we have, by Todd McFarlane, and inked by Tony DeZugia (who does NOT embellish McFarlane's art at all), Injustice Unlimited, a band of super-villain enemies of Infinity Inc on Earth-2

Hazard, Fiddler, Wizard, Artemis and Shade, with Icicle above.
And today we have a hot muscley black guy with a painted on Captain America cosplay, and an eagle as well. 


I took the road less traveled by (Part 1493)...


Today's map shows all the railroads the Nazis built throughout Europe, leaving to Auschwitz. 


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2551)...

 Check This Out!

If you're not sure what's going on the Gamestop and the Stock Market stuff, click on this to blow it up and read about it.  It explains it quite well, I think. 


Out of control, cause this dog ain't new (Part 264)...

 Heavenly Hounds

Don't forget to bloop the snoot!


Rita Hayworth, gave good face (Parr 470)...

 Fetching Faces

Today we have the very fetching face of gay pornstar DayDay.

Those eyes and those lips....that makes up for all those tattoos.


It's so cool to be uncool (Part 521)...

 What's Cool?

You think you're cool?  Well you'll never be as cool as Cloris Leachman, seen here with Kermit the Frog back in the 70s.

RIP Cloris Leachman aka Phyllis Lindstrom aka Frau Blucher aka many many other great comedic roles.