Superhero Anydays
Don't know the artist, but I like his work...even if it a bit cartoony, I still like it. And it shows all the heroes who were on the Super Friends over it's various incarnations through the years.
I'm gonna do roughly, very roughly, clockwise from upper right:
Hawkgirl, Rima The Jungle Girl, Robin, Dr. Martin Stein's head (he was half of Firestorm), Green Lantern, El Dorado, Black Vulcan, Apache Chief, Hawkman, Green Arrow, Samuri, Firestorm (the body of Ronnie Raymond), Batman, Solovar (the gorilla), Plastic Man, Gleek, Wonder Dog, Marvin< Wenty, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Storm (Aquaman's giant seahorse steed), Aquaman, Cyborg and in the middle Superman!
And today we also have a bunch of Justice League Of America cosplayers.
Hawkgirl, Green Lantern, Black Lightning, Wonder Woman, Superman, Green Arrow, Batman, Vixen, Black Canary, Red Tornado