Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The truth is I never left you (Part 1762)....

 TRUTH After The Time Of tRump 
(two times impeached, 
two four times indicted on 91 charges (so far)
two time loser of the popular vote)

So, a few days ago, on his 'premiere' 'social media' thingee, tRump posted this: 

Apparently he's forgotten how, four years ago, the country was shutting down over his botched response to COVID, people lost their jobs, kids couldn't see their friends in person, everyone was 'sheltering in place', there was not a pack of toilet paper or paper towels to be found anywhere, nor any cleaning supplies.  And let's not forget, some 2000 people, or more, a day were dying of COVID.  But hey, no need to wear masks, but just take horse tranquilizer and shoot sunlight up your ass...or whatever the hell he was telling people to do. 

But Hillary Clinton had the GREATEST response to his idiotic question: 


Hillary nails it again.  As ALL during the 2016 election, Hillary was right about everything!


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