Monday, July 31, 2017

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luthor (Part 641)...

Superhero Anydays

Today we have, from both DC and Marvel, some wonderful women as drawn by The Master George Perez!

They are somewhere symmetrical in abilities.  Up front, we have the magic wielding Scarlet Witch and Zatanna.  Next row on, the outsides, we have Black Canary and Black Widow, who not only share a color in their names, but are both exceptional hand to hand combatants.  Between them, we have the super strong and tough She-Hulk and Big Barda.  Behing them, we have the light powered Dr. Light and Captain Marvel.  Between them we have The Wasp and at the top we have Hawkwoman, both super heroines with wings.   On the outside we have the super strong and beautiful Ms. Marvel and Wonder Woman.and between them we have the flame powered Firestar and Fire.  All of these are either members of The Avengers (if Marvel) or the JLA (if DC).
And also today, we have some frosty Iceman cosplay.


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