Thursday, March 22, 2018

Monday I had training, so I took today off as my Monday.  It's a good thing I did.  I had already made plans to have lunch in Frederick with a co-worker and her three month old (she's not been back to work since the birth, but her maternity leave is soon done).


This is what else happened.

I got up today to get some blood work done for my doctor's appointment Monday.  I got that done, and stopped to get coffee and made it home okay. I wasn't sure because Tuesday and yesterday was Winter Storm Toby, and the alley next to my house was still ice and snow covered.  And while I had no trouble getting down the small hill of the alley to the main road, I wasn't sure if I could actually get back up the alley.  But I did, with surprisingly no trouble.

I came back inside and waited for the time to come for me to leave for the lunch date.  But, then mom called.  She told me she was stuck in the alley!

She had made vegetable soup one of the last two days and was bringing some in, and she thought she could make it up the alley just fine to an intersection, but she couldn't....and got stuck at the intersection trying to turn.  Luckily, I was still here.  And when I went out, a neighbor came out just by chance as well to help me shovel her out, and on her way she went.

I left and got to Friscos in Frederick, but had to wait about a half our for my friend because just as she was leaving the house, her lil boy, Ash, decided he was hungry.  So I had to wait until she fed him and then got to the restaurant, and that was okay.  

And we had a great meal (I could only eat half the sandwich, brought the other half home and had it for lunch) and great conversation (I missed her, and she said me missed me too), and Ash is SUCH a cutie!  See?

Looks like he's waving, eh? 

Anyway, after we were done eating and talking and such, while she was buckling him in the car, I got a phone call.  From Richard, one of the other two people who work in my department.  He said his son had a free ticket to the Avengers Infinity War opening night, and wanted to know if I wanted it.  Well sure, why not?  Apparently his son, his two friends, Richard and I are all going.  This'll be nice!  And, Richard said, he's going to give it to you, so you don't have to pay him or anything!  I don't understand this, but I told Richard I'd talk to him more about when I saw him at work.  I didn't want to have a long conversation standing in a parking lot, when it was windy and my friend was waiting to leave.

After we parted, I went to Barnes & Noble and wandered around a bit, buying five books (see below) and talked to a guy who works there who I used to work with at Borders all those many years ago!

Also, while there, I got another phone call, this time for A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking.  Apparently, he and the missus are going to a concert one night soon and he wanted to know if I was going to be home and free that night, in case anything happened at his house.  I suppose the girls will know to call me if anything happens, and I'll go over and take of...whatever it is.   I don't really expect to get a call from the girls, but hey, if something happens, at least I'll be here.  

I came home, spent some time online and finishing up the book I was reading.  And while I was doing so, I got a text from a guy I've been chatting with online (we've been out to dinner once a few weeks ago) and apparently, we're going out again Saturday.  (not a date, we're not dating, just friends).

So, even though I wasn't at work today, it was a very busy day for me!


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