Monday, March 26, 2018

This afternoon, I had my first regularly scheduled doctor's appointment of  2018.  My A1C was 7.9, which is .3 higher than it was the end of November.  And while I'm not happy with that, I'm in no way upset.

See, since that last time, we've had Thanksgiving, and a whole month of Christmas celebrations (food, parties, drinks, etc), and during January and February, I basically hibernate like a bear, doing no exercise, little more than eating and sleeping (I took one walk in January and one walk in February).  

So, since I've basically done very little like I should have, an increase of only .3 was okay with me.  But now, I expect when I go back in July, for it to be lower....lower than even 7.6.  Because I should now be getting out and walking and such.  And that can only help things along!


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