Monday, January 28, 2019

Get ready kids.

Just got this notification on my phone from The Washington Post: "tRump Adminstration announces sanctions on Venezuela's state-owned oil company to try to force President Maduro to step down."

This will not, in fact, get Presdient Maduro to step down.  What it WILL do is cause the Venezuelan oil company to retaliate....which if I were in charge of it, would be to cut off all oil shipments coming to the USA.  Less oil coming in means less oil out there and lack of supply means the greedy bastards in charge of the oil companies can jack the prices up.

And Venezuela is part of OPEC, so should the other OPEC companies decide to support their fellow member, that means even less oil coming in and even higher prices at the pump.  (unless of course tRump's nose being so far up Saudi Arabia's ass that he can see their tonsils might mean the Saudis don't go along with this. But certainly Iran has no reason NOT to join with them)  (and of course there's also the possibility the oil company execs don't want the American people to get any madder at tRump, so they may not raise them like they usually do).

The way to actually handle this situation would have been for the USA to join with our allies: Canada, Europe, Japan, etc, and have ALL of us impose sanctions.  That would seriously hurt Venezuela and may lead to a change in leadership.

But I'll also say, I don't believe for a SECOND tRump cares about Venezuela.  In fact I'm pretty certain he couldn't find it on a map (and I KNOW a majority of his supporters could not do so!).  But what tRump DOES care about is the arrest of Roger Stone and his humiliating cave to Nancy Pelosi over the shutdown.

And so, what better way to distract from all his problems here at home?  A war with Venezuela!  Sure!  That'll do it. Everyone will rally round the flag AND him, so he thinks, and they'll forget about Roger Stone and tRump cave.  Or at least that's what his supporters are telling him.

But who am I?  What do I know?  I've been wrong before.  

However I will add, if I hadn't just filled up my gas tank on Saturday for $2.25 a gallon, I'd definitely be  doing it today....before it reaches $3.25 a gallon again or higher.


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