Friday, May 24, 2019

If I were a hero I'd be Martin Luthor (Part 1278)...

Superhero Anydays

Today we have a cover of a comic book, roughly Justice League Of America #180-ish.  And it's the annual team up between Earth-1's JLA and Earth-2's JSA.  But this time around, they team up with the New Gods, and do battle with Darkseid!

Clockwise from upper right we have: Power Girl (JSA), Dr. Fate (JSA), Huntress (JSA), Orion (New Gods), Mr. Miracle (New Gods), Batman (JLA), Green Lantern (JLA), Oberon (New Gods), Wonder Woman (JSA), Firestorm (JLA), Big Barda (New Gods), Superman (JLA), with Darkseid's face in the center.
And today we also have Three Mutants!

Rogue, Gambit, and Scarlet Witch.


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