Monday, March 30, 2020

I've got books lining my shelves, day and night.....

Books 2020

So.....since I can't seem to find a Books 2020 post, this is possibly the first time this year I've purchased any books....although I find it hard to believe I've gone three entire months without buying a book.

I saw yesterday online that Barnes & Noble is closing like 400 stores.  I have two gift cards from them, and I didn't want to lose the money on them if the entire chain goes tits up.  So today, I got online and ordered five books from them.

The Great Believers, by Rebecca Makkai
Station Eleven, by Emily St. John Mandel
The Plot To Seize The White House, by Jules Archer
Gettysburg, by Stephen Sears
Classical Mythology, by several different authors

With the two gift cards, I only had to pay $3.75.  I wasn't sure if I should list that one amount, or the actual total amount.  But since I'm listing only what I spent on books, I'm just gonna list the $3.75. It'll skew my year end totals, but it is what it is.

So, the stats so far this year:

March 30: 5 books for $3.75, average of $.75 each

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