Sunday, April 26, 2020

Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2244).....

Check This Out!


So back in the mid-90s, when I was a younger man, I was going to the local gay bar, Headquarters, every Saturday night.  One year, there were only two Saturdays that I was not there (one because of snow, the other because the huge Halloween parade was going on right in front and I knew I'd never get in the place).  So 50 out of 52 Saturdays that year, I was there.

I'd get there between 1030-1100pm.  Have about 6 beers throughout the night.  Sit and talk to some friends at 'their' table (they were there every weekend), mingle through the crowd, talking with people I knew, dancing on the dancefloor, mingling some more, dancing some more, talking with the DJ, dancing some more.   And then when the bar closed at 2am, I went home...or to Denny's with some friends from an early breakfast...or to the home of whomever I decided to go home with.  Ya know, as you do...

Anyway, I got to know many different people.  Some I considered friends.  Some I considered acquaintances that I only knew from the bar.  Some I knew only by their face, never their names, despite spending time talking with them.  And some, I knew only from seeing them in the bar..and perhaps dancing with them during a song or two, but never talking with or really getting to know them.

One of the last group was a guy who I found out later was named Sebastian.  He was early-mid 20s.  he was tall, like 6'3 or so, with very long legs.  He was slim and lean.  He has longish brown hair (hence why, I think, he attracted my attention...a hairthing).  I later also found out he was a lifeguard a local hotel during the summer (in fact, one Saturday, after he had been dancing for a bit, he left the dance floor, put his shorts and tshirt somewhere and spend the remainder of the evening dancing in nothing but sneakers and a small, tight red Speedo with "lifeguard" printed across his rear!).

Anyway, a few times, Sebastian and I found ourselves next to each other on the dance floor and as happened a lot at those times, we started dancing with each other.  Facing each other, getting close looking and smiling at each other...we were clearly partners.  And we may have danced like that for a song or two. But as was the custom, after the dance or two, we'd kinda separate, if not actually physically, then one, or both, of us would turn to someone else next to us and start dancing with them.  This went on throughout the night, and it wasn't uncommon to have over 20 'dance partners' a night, just like that.  But I digress...

So this one evening, it's kinda light on customers.  I'm pretty sure it was in June, the Saturday of DC Pride...and back before I went to Pride.  But most of the gays in the area did, and therefore, they weren't in town and the bar was a kinda empty.  And so the dance floor was kinda emptier than usual too...not that that mattered to most of us. Might have been maybe a little under half the usual number of people there.

I wasn't dancing at this particular time, I was standing along side it, with a beer, chatting with someone...I don't remember who.  And then all of a sudden, in comes Sebastian.  Fast walking across the room to and onto the dance floor.  His hair in pigtails on either side of his head.  He's wearing a leather jacket and a very short, red, plaid skirt!  Below that, he has white socks pulled up to his knees and some sort of shoes.  And right before he actually starts dancing, he swings the jacket off in a very fluid move and throws it across the dance floor so that it lands right in front of the DJ booth. Under neath the jacket, he is wearing a very tight white shirt, cut off right below his pecs showing off those washboard abs, and with no sleeves.  

And I swear, even though the music kept pumping, everything in that room went still and silent.  Everyone was just transfixed by Sebastian, in the middle of the dance floor.  He paused a few seconds, his arm still in the air from throwing the jacket, his head tilted backwards, and his legs placed firmly apart.  And then he started to dance.  And he MADE the dance floor his own!  He took it over and dancing the rest of the night away: skirt twirling (he had I think red Speedos was something tight and red...believe me, we looked), pig tails flaring out, strutting up and down the floor.  Others of us danced too, but we gave him his room.  Sebastian was clearly in his element.  And he RULED that night.

He never took over the floor like that before.  He never wore the skirt again.  But that was something we who saw it talked about for years.

This is NOT Sebastian below, although the socks, skirt, shirt (even though his was not so meshy or see-thru), and those abs definitely LOOK like Sebastian. But I stumbled upon the pic somewhere and gasped, I thought it WAS Sebastian.

I do SO wish I photo of him, whether in the outfit or just a regular one.  Damn, he was something to see....


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