Friday, October 30, 2020

Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 2918)...

Check This Out!

Past results is never a predictive indication of future performance.  However, look at this batch of Polling USA Data: 

Polling USA data:

Presidential National Average Lead 4 Days To E-Day: 2004: Bush +2.6 2008: Obama +6.8 2012: Obama +0.2 2016: Clinton +2.9 2020: Biden: +8.9

In other words, Biden is doing better than Obama did twelve years ago. Now, these are not predictive: Obama won in 2012 by more than 0.2, and Hillary lost despite being up by almost three. However, I'd MUCH prefer to be up almost 9 points with 4 days to go.

Hillary got 3 million more votes then tRump (impeached and infrected) in 2016. I think Biden's going to more than double that amount. Unfortunately, I'm not positive he's going to "win" the election, simply because of all the cheating tRump (impeached & infected) has done and will do. And of course, he's now got the Supreme Court in his back pocket to do his bidding.

So Biden has to win by such HUGE margins in so many different places it would be impossible to cheat enough for tRump (impeached and infected) to win.

And perhaps, hopefully, I PRAY, +8.9 is enough to do that.


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