Sunday, November 29, 2020

I've got books lining my shelves, day and night....

 Books 2020

Today, I ordered two books from (it's a place where when you order the book it comes from an independent bookstore and not Amazon.  I highly recommend checking it out).  One of them was a gift, so I won't count that one in my total.  But the book I ordered for myself is:

Doctor Who: Twelve Weeping Angels, by multiple authors (it's an anthology).

Here are the yearly totals:

March 30: 5 books for $3.75, average of $.75 each
June 28: 4 books for $65.18 average of $16.30 each
July 20: 2 books for $7.40, average of $3.70 each
July 25: 4 books for $28.04, average of $7.01
Aug 29: 2 Books for $40.68, average of $20.34
Oct 5: 12 books for $57.11, average of 4.76 per book
Oct 9: 1 book for $13.78
Nov 11: 3 books for $43.89, average of $14.30 per book
Nov 29: 1 book for $11.03
       Totals: 34 books for $270.86, average of $7.97 each

 Of these 33 books, 12 are graphic novels, 22 regular books


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