Wednesday, November 25, 2020

So, it's November 25th.  So, hey, Happy Birthday to me.  I'm 53 years old today.

Fifty-Fucking-Three. *SIGH* 

The 53rd episode of I Love Lucy was "The Inferiority Complex".
The 53rd element on the periodic table is Iodine.
The 53rd country in alphabetical order is El Salvador.
The 53rd Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court was William Rufus Day appointed in 1903.
The 53rd Parallel North runs just slightly north of London, England.
The 53rd episode of Saturday Night Live aired on December 10th, 1977, was hosted by Mary Kay Place and had Willie Nelson as musical guest.
The 53rd World Series was in 1956 and had the New York Yankees beating the Brooklyn Dodgers 4-3.
The 53rd British Prime Minister was David Lloyd George, of the Liberal Party, during his 1916-1922 term.
The 53rd day of the year is February 22nd.
The 53rd California Congressional District is around San Diego and is represented by Democrat Susan Davis.
The 53rd book by Stephen King was "Hearts In Atlantis".
The 53rd Academy Award for Best Picture, from 1981, when to "Ordinary People".
The 53rd most popular dog breed is the Portuguese Water Dog.
53 Canadian Dollars is currently equal to $40.79 cents US Dollars.

But hey, if anyone's looking for a gift to get me....I'll take one of these.  Just like this....

Thanks in advance.


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