Thursday, June 30, 2022

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 2243)...

 Superhero Anydays

This is the Post-Crisis Flash Family!

right to left we have:  The Flash I, Jay Garrick of the Golden Age Earth-2; Iris West, daughter of Wally and later called Impuse II; The Flash III, Wally West, former Kid Flash I, father of Iris West; The Flash II, Barry Allen; Kid Flash II, Bart Allen, grandson of Barry Allen and the first Impulse; Max Mercury, another Golden Age Earth-2 era speedster; Jesse Quick, daughter of Golden Age Earth-2 speedster Johnny Quick.
And also we have, on the right, my online friend HITCosplay doing his gender bent Harley Quinn cosplay with another cosplayer doing a gender bent Poison Ivy. 


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