Tuesday, August 23, 2022

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 2290).....

 Superhero Anydays

Today, by I think Mike Belcher, we have a whole horde of female super-heroes on Earth-2 during the Golden Age World War II era.  Some of these are anti-heroines like Harlequin and Catwoman, but they are eventaully are heroes.

I don't know them all, but here is what I got:

Front row: Black Canary, Harlequin, Catwoman, Thorn, Phantom Lady
Second Row: Red Tornado, Fury, Wonder Woman, Liberty Belle, Tigress, Doll Girl, (don't know), Miss America, (don't know), (Don't know), Merry Girl Of 1000 Gimmick
In the air: Tsunami, Firebrand, Hawkgirl, Bulletgirl, Stargirl, Starfire, Mary Marvel

And today we also have cosplay of the Canadian Alpha Flight founding super-twins, Aurora and Northstar!

And honestly, I think Aurora (here in this pic) is a drag queen.  And since Northstar (the character) is gay, I can say to both of them: You go Girl!


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