Sunday, August 28, 2022

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 2295).....

 Superhero Anydays

Today, by an artist I don't know but who's work I like, is two pictures of members of the JSA in action. 

On the ground: The Atom, Wildcat, The Flash, Sandman and peeking in, Ma Hunkel the original Red Tornado (even tho I don't really consider her a 'member' she is supposedly canonically a member.)
In the air: Dr. Fate, Green Lantern, Power Girl, Star-Spangled Kid, Huntress

On the ground; Hourman, Mr. Terrific, Black Canary, Dr. Mid-Nite
in the air: Starman, Johnny Thunder riding his Thunderbolt, Spectre, Red Tornado II, Hawkman, and Robin


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