Saturday, July 29, 2023

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (part 2573)....

 Superhero Anydays

Johnny Thunder was a hero in the Golden Age of World War II.  He has command of a magic thunderbolt.  As he grew into his later years, demetia took hold.  He actually passed the thunderbolt onto a young Black teen who had become his friend in the home Johnny was in.  This was Jakeem Williams, who later took the name Jakeem Thunder and became a hero, in his own right.  This pic is of an older Jakeem Thunder, about 20, with the Thunderbolt behind him. 

And today we also have sexy cosplayer Carlosgzzyart.  He is doing Wiccan, some of Scarlet Witch.  You can see the influences of her costume on his cape and headgear 


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