Sunday, April 14, 2024

I would not sell my collection, for if I did, I would cry (Part 101)....

 Today In The History Of Polt's Comic Book Collection

Today, we go back twenty years to April 2004 and Marvel's Supreme Power #7. 

Marvel's Squadron Supreme was a pastiche of DC's Justice League.  I always liked them when they appeared in the Avengers, the Defenders and eventually their own miniseries.    Eventually, in 2003, Marvel gave them their own title, and put it in the MAX format, which allowed for adult content.  I was fine with this. 

Unfortunately, the new titles was an entire reboot of the whole idea.  Characters were nowhere NEAR the characters I had become familiar with.  Like the cover of this issue.  Originally, Amphibian was a red haired white guy looking almost like a twin of Aquarman.  now, in this title, Amphibian was a blue skinned, tattoo, lady with weird wing things on her body. And worse that just appearance, she had an alien type personality, not meshing well with 'surface dwellers'.  And yeah, that kinda makes more sense, and if one is going to 'deconstruct' heroes on the team and make it more 'realistic', well then that's what one must do.  But then don't call he Amphibian.  Make a new hero. But nope, they kept the names, and very little else. 

And Amphibian wasn't the only character this happened to.   And frankly, it made me less interested in the title.   I got the first 12 issues and then gave up. 

Unfortunately, it was the start of a LOT of bad changes to comics, in both companies, that led to me not currently buying individual comics.  And not having down so for a decade or so. Sadly. 


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