Sunday, May 05, 2024

 We are now 6 months from the 2024 Presidential Election.

I have a prediction. 

On Election in November, the price of gas will be between $6-$7 a gallon. 

Why do I say that?  I say that because...
a) Putin wants tRump back in the White House so he can win in Ukraine and then run roughshod over the rest of Europe
b) The Saudi Royal Family wants tRump back in the White House because they practically own the entire tRump family and could get anything and everything they want. 
c) Oil company executives are greedy sons-a-bitches and take every opportunity to gouge the American public with higher gas prices AND they know, a tRump administration is going to go a lot easier on them, regulation-wise, than another Biden administration would. 

So, for these three reason, I believe Putin will cut oil production (even though that lack of funds will hurt him short terms), the Saudis will cut production, and regardless of how much they need to charge for gas, the oil companies are gonna jack the price up higher than necessary. 

Certainly, after Labor Day we'll see it higher than it's been in years, and just as early voting starts in the lot states, watch for the price to steady rise and rise.

i further predict that, regardless of what the price is on Election Day, and regardless of the outcome of the election, by Thankgiving and certainly, by Christmas, gas prices will be down closer to where they are now...$4.00 a gallon or so. 

I have been wrong in a lot of predictions before.  I pray that I am wrong again.  But it just makes a little too much sense.  Unfortunately. 


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