Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I got my girl, I got my automobile.....

 So, in May, Belle let me sit in a the parking lot of a grocery store.  Well not forever, but for a lil bit. And I took her to my mechanic's place.  Bottom line, after keeping her for about three and a half weeks, he said she was fixed.  And she was working, finally.  But, she wasn't working....right.  Shakey, jittering, didn't seem terribly responsive.

Belle was 14 years old, and I'd had her 8 of those years.  Despite being a Volkswagen and only having 112000 miles on her, I decided it was time to get a new vehicle.  And one that might do a bit better in the snow, if we ever get any more snow what with the climate change and all. 

At any rate, I took off today, mom showed up and off we went.  I had already printed out several vehicles I wanted to look at.  When we got there, we met Ashley in the showroom.  Liked her right off, she was great.   I showed her the three ones I wanted to look at most, one was sold yesterday.  The other two were basically the same vehicle, other than milage and one had a sunroof and the other didn't.  And that was it. 

So after taking both for a drive, I decided on the one without the sunroof.  So after filling out lots and lots and LOTS of paperwork, both with Ashley and the finance guy Lou, I had myself a new (to me) vehicle: a 2023 VW Taos, 19000 miles on it.

I was SO stressed about this, because I don't like high pressure places, Ashley was not.  The last time I dealt with a new automobile, it took ALL FREAKING DAY!  And lots of unnecessary travel and waiting and frustration. 

I had hoped, on the way there, to be able to leave there today with the new car and minimal frustration, but I expected nothing of the sort.  And much to my surprise, I DID leave a today with the new care and minimal frustration!

After leaving, mom and I went to a Mexican restaurant for a late lunch.  The service was slow, even if the food was good.  After an hour, as we were leaving, I realized I didn't have the second remote key fob.  I searched my pockets.  I searched the new car.  I went back in the restaurant and looked around the table.  I couldn't find it.  While I was searching a bag of the stuff I had taken out of my old car, my phone rang.  And much to my surprise, and relief, it was Ashley calling to say they found it laying on the ground there.  And luckily, we were only about a mile from the dealership!  What a coincidence!  And again, relief. 

Returning home i went to the insurance agent, and got that all updated. 

And then I came home and turned on the a/c and rested my fat ass on the sofa!  The adrenaline and caffeine were long gone, and I had a belly full of food and I was beat!  Beat like a bad dog!  

So, I'm probably going to bed early tonight, cause it's back to work tomorrow.  But at least I'll go to bed early with a new vehicle in back!

And I had a few pics, of course:

Belle, as I said goodbye to her.

The new car, still unnamed before I drove her off the lot.

And mom kept saying, "Take a picture of me with the new car."  SO I did.  And I emailed it to her, since she could show some of her neighbors what I got. Bless her heart. 

(Oh, and speaking of mom, I wanted her to come along to have someone to bounce ideas off of, if necessary.  She told me on the way over she wanted to come along, because she was going to match whatever money I put down, up to a certain amount.  And when I went to protest, she said was she always says, "you're going to get all money anyway, but I want to see you enjoy it, I don't want you to enjoy just after I'm dead".  So she, bless her heart, gave me some money to help)


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