Monday, June 24, 2024

Tried to be a mess, tried to be the best (Part 17)...

Best Of...

So, I've reviewed the 22 episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation for the Best Episode of that season and....dear God, it was difficult.  There's not just much greatness (if any) in that season.  I see a lot of people rate The Measure Of A Man as a great episode, the one where they want to disassemble Data and there's a trial and stuff.  But for me...meh.  I never really enjoyed that episode, it's just a bunch of boring trial talking back and forth.  I can get that from Law & Order. 

I was thinking of picking Elementary, Dear Data, with Geordi inadvertently creating a conscious, self aware Professor Moriarty on the holodeck to challenge Data, and it would have been a good choice I think. 

But instead, I went with....

Q Who?   

Q reappears and in a fit of pique, hurls the Enterprise into, presumably, the Delta Quadrant and they encounter the Borg!  I mean, what's not to love?  Q!  Guinan!  The Borg!  

It might not be a GREAT episode, but it's certainly the best of the Second Season. 


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