So it's the last day of the year, which means it's time for....
The Top Ten Things Of 2024
There several things from this year who didn't make the list: new computer at work (finally); The Olympics (an associated eye candy); seeing Escape From NY in a theater (finally, after 40 years); the new art in my bedroom; the whole fiasco with Kaspersky and having the get Norton; chair issues at work; the flu in October; new dining room chairs; stomach issues and sickness over Christmas thus missing Christmas fun; toilet seat issues; injuring the muscles in my right arm and shoulder (a strain I think); and others. But below are the Top Ten Things.
10. Jury Duty
In October, I got called for Jury Duty, for a civil case, that would last three or four days and started the very next day...and I was chosen. But only as an alternate. The fourth and last alternate. I didn't want to be on this jury, not a days long civil case. And I certainly never wanted to be an alternate, who didn't even get to join the deliberations. But it's not like I had a say in any of it. The trial was kinda boring, and was very VERY clear cut to me. And the actual jury felt the way I did, and found for the defendant. And it only took them like an hour. Easy decision. And on the plus side, I'm exempt for jury duty for 3 years now, so I guess that's a good thing.
9. Catching COVID
So after almost 5 years of avoiding it, the first week of January, right after New Years, I came down with COVID for the first time. It wasn't the sickest I have ever been, but it was pretty rough. I got myself to Urgent Care and got on Paxlovid the day after I tested positive. After starting the meds, it seemed to lessen, so I guess they worked. Although the metallic taste constantly in my mouth did suck. But I survived. And I supposed that's all that matters.
8. Ozempic
I had been on a weekly does of Trulicity for several years. Then, about May, I couldn't get it anymore, there were distribution problems, or something, I don't know. So my doctor changed me to Ozempic. I didn't have the negative side effects, thankfully. I know it's doing something for me, because I simply cannot eat like I used to. I fill up faster than before, thus eating less. I feel (from how my pants fit) that I've lost weight, but I don't weigh myself regularly. I hope it's doing something for my diabetes. But as it's doing some good, I hope it does more good for me. I'll find out at my next endocrinologist appointment in February.
7. Pluto Channel
A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking clued me into Pluto earlier this year. There are channels showing TV shows over and over and over. I regularly watch "I Love Lucy", "Star Trek Voyager", "Star Trek The Next Generation", and I've tuned in to other channels at various times, like "Murder, She Wrote", "Columbo", "Little House On The Prairie", "Love Boat", "Twilight Zone", and even the James Bond movies. It's a great way to just have mindless, comfort food TV shows playing in the background while doing something else. And much better than most crappy Network TV shows airing now.
6. Fuckbuddies Moving Away
The end of this year, two of my semi-regular fuckbuddies moved away, one to Vermont and another to Baltimore. Luckily, the are more regular fuckbuddies, but these two were fun, albeit in different ways. And I'll miss the them and the times we won't be able to have in the future.
5. Repairs to House
I had my front porch replaced in January and a wall along the back alley repaired and strengthened. Both needed down, the porch had a broken board and the wall had been crumbling and I was afraid it would collapse. But both of these should last some time. Also, just today, I had a guy come to write and estimate to replace the doors, front, back, and upstairs balcony, that desperately need replaced. But since the actual work wont take place until next year sometime, I'll cover that next year.
4. Fairy Godfather Mark and Dave S.
This year, in February, my Fairy Godfather Mark died.
And in mid December Dave S. died.
Mark had been chronically ill for some time. Well had Crohn's Disease as long as I had known him, but in the last few years, there was some issue with his blood, a type of leukemia, but not cancerous...or something. Since nothing was working, he was tired of fighting, bascially, and decided to stop the treatments. He entered Hospice and I believe died within ten days. It was sad and upsetting, as important as he was to me in the past, but I was relieved he was no longer in pain, or suffering.
Dave S., however, his death came out of the blue and as a complete shock. I'm pretty sure Dave S. was the very first Puntabupeep I met in person, back in October of 2008, when I drove to Columbus to hang out with him for a weekend. The next year, he came here and we went to NYC for a weekend to surprise the other Puntabupeeps. A great time was had by all on both occasions. And prior to all that, he and spent a LOT of time chatting online and on the phone about a lot of stuff.
After the NYC trip, he kinda disappeared, cut contact with all the Puntabupeeps, not just me. And then a few years ago, I discovered him again on Twitter, and we got to chatting again online, but nowhere near as much as earlier.
But I had no idea there were any health problems with him, if there were. I have no idea what his cause of death is, just a post of Twitter from his son that he died the 13th. Very shocking, and sad.
3. Belle issues and getting Theo
I believe it was in May when I started having problems with Belle, tire problems and engine problems. So much so that for almost a month, she sat at the mechanic's garage while he figured out the problem, waiting on the parts, sent it away to get fixed and then got all the repairs done. But after all that time, I knew the problems would just continue. After all, she was a 14 year old car. So I decided to get a new one. And the next week, mom and I went to the dealership, and three hours later, drove out with Theo.
He's a good car, though I'm still getting used to him, I still don't know what all his buttons do. But I'll adapt, and I'm glad I have him.
2. Trip With FDot
The first weekend in June, FDot came to visit from NY. And we drove 5 hours up to Bradford PA, where I introduced him to Beefeaters (where you'll have to best damn steak of your life) and the European Pastry Shop. And while there, he and I drove to Johnstown NY (only like an hour and half away) where we went through the I Love Lucy Museum and the Lucy/Desi Museum next door to it. Then we took a tour of the town, seeing Lucy's burial place, the house she was born in, the house she grew up in, and both the Lucy statues. And on the way home, since we were relatively closeby we went to the middle of fucking nowhere PA to the Flight 93 Memorial. Very poignant and sobering place.
FDot planned to spend another night hanging out with me, but on the way back home here, his mother called to tell him she fell and broke her ankle. So he got here, packed up and headed home. Despite being cut short, it was a very fun time, and a great vacation: great friend, great food, great could it NOT be a great vacation?
1. Kamala Harris' loss.
Obviously, this is not a 'great' thing, it's a truly horrible thing. And the results of this one are going to be a truly horrible thing, not just for me, but for every American, and in fact the entire world. And it's so obvious why, I really do not need to dwell on this one anymore than I already have.