Thursday, March 19, 2009

Their readiness, and the capacity for proper recovery...

So, mom came through her surgery fine. She's had very little to no pain, has been putting weight on it and bending it, which is what the doctor told her to do, so she's not disobeying any of his orders.

She's only taken one Vicadin, says she doesn't need it. I was supposed to stay with her all night, she sent me home, saying she doesn't need me, I might as well go home and get online. So I did. I went back a bit later in the evening, she told me she had been up and gotten herself a ham sandwich and some chips. She also had gotten a fire started and going in the woodstove! She was watching TV, taking calls from well wishers, and her sister and her grand-niece Lexi stopped by for a bit. She's gotten up and let the dog out 4 times. And she has no pain.

the only problem was, she went to the bathroom once, and she's got this huge velcro wrap on that has the ice packs in, and underneath that is a big ACE bandage and then the gauze. She wasn't to unwrap it until Sunday, but while going to the bathroom, the ice thingee fell straight down off her knee, taking the bandage and the gauze with it. And one of the incisions started to bleed a little. Probably from having the gauze yanked down across it. But I was there, and we got it all wrapped back up and cleaned up, and she's fine.

I think she'll probably be walking on it unaided before she's allowed to unwrap the bandage. It's just all turned out so much better than we thought it was going to. Thanks for everyone for all their thoughts and well wishes.

Oh, and over her protestations I got some photos! She even said in the prep area "Oh, I bet you wish you had your camera to take some photos now!" Little did she know I HAD my camera, and take some photos I did! This is her laughing about me taking the photos.

This is her a little less happy about it.

And this is her at home, resting up, but doing very well.

POLT Listening to "How Soon Is Now" by the Smiths

It's an "American Idol" era of equal opportunity supercrime, Master Tim. Every Tom, Dick or Harry with a make-up box and rampant Tourette's fancies himself the next Joker. - Alfred, Batman #676


lime said...

very glad to hear mama polt is doing so well. best wishes for a continued speedy recovery.

Tam said...

Wow, glad to hear she is making such a fast recovery. Tell her she should have kept the blue hair net. Sexy. :-) Mojo for continued improvement.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news! Go Momma Polt.

Tell her not to worry, we all should look so good in a johnny and a hair net.