Monday, February 27, 2017

So I finally saw my first ever Woody Allen movie: Annie Hall.

It has been on my list of to-see movies for some time, and last night, during the Oscars, at some point they showed a clip of it.  And I thought then, "I'm gonna watch that tomorrow."  So I did.


It was funny-ish.  There were times I chuckled.  But frankly, I dont see what the big deal was.  And I certainly don't see how it won Best Picture (although I dont know what other films there were in 1976....maybe it WAS the best picture? (Okay just checked....Star Wars was also nominated that yeah....WTF? Academy!)

Anyway, it was fine.  I didn't not enjoy seeing it.  And now I can say I've seen a Woody Allen film.  I don't think there's a reason for me to see another one though....


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