Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The hammer of our gods, will drive our ships to new lands.....

So over the last three days I watched "American Gods".  

I gave it an A rating, and man is it a beautiful looking series.  Not only visually. I mean it IS visually amazing, but the music always fits perfectly to what's happening, and the casting is incredible, even the cameos.  

I'm just not sure what I think of it.  

Like most of Neil Gaiman's work, it's something you have to think about and roll over and over in your mind until you possible figure it all out.  Like the Sandman comic book series.  Just an amazing, awe-inspiring piece of work there.  And this I assume the book this TV series is based on it the same, although I've never read it.

I just haven't had enough time to digest it all.  It's by turns, mysterious, borderline pornographic, excessively violent, plausibly sacreligious, ingenious and just flat out strange.  But that's what I would expect from Neil Gaiman.

I guess what I can say about it now is, I liked the ride.  I'm anxious for season 2, whenever that may be.  And if anyone is even remotely interested, watch it.  NOW.  You may not know what all you've seen, but you won't be disappointed.


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