Monday, October 28, 2019

Okay day.

Last night, I got things ready cause I had a whole tons of errands I wanted to run and get done today. I got out of bed at 8 (early for me on a day off), showered, had a quick breakfast of yogurt, took my morning meds, grabbed my bag full of all the things I'd need and headed out the door, ready to go first to Rutters to get my coffee.

And the car didn't start.  At all.

Called mom, she came in and we jumped the car.  Drove it out to the mechanic who said he'd check the batter this afternoon, if he had time, cause the morning was crazy busy.  So no car for the morning, and possibly longer.

Mom, however, did not need her car today, nor does she need it tomorrow, so I could at least use her car, if need be.  But still, I had an aching headache...whether from the stress of what happened, or worrying about why might need done, or just not having any caffeine yet, well who knew.  

I took mom's car and headed home, but before I got out of her retirement village she texted me to come back.  So I did.  And when I got there, she had a cake she wanted me to drop off at her brother's place on the way in.  I took the cake, took it to my uncle's, gave it to his wife, and started home.

And I thought to myself, "This day just sucks.  I'm just going to go home and lay on the couch and try to forget it."  But then I thought, "NO!  No, I have all the stuff prepared I'm just gonna go do it."

Stopped at Rutters, got my coffee.  Came back home, got my bag of stuff.  Went to the Post Office and mailed some things.  Went to CVS, I had a whole string of coupons for a bunch of stuff.  Ended up getting it all and the bills was $161 and some cents.  BUT, after all the buy one get one free stuff and all the coupons, the final bill was 100 dollars EVEN!  Who gets a 100 dollar EVEN bill?  This guy right here.

Went to the Credit Union to deposit some rolled coins and checks.  No one was there, I was the maze of ropes (not that I had to, but because I like mazes) and got right up to the teller.  

Then I drove to Hagerstown....and encountered no real traffic, even though I went through downtown!  Got to the Mall, went to Hallmark, got my cards for November.  Wandered through two other stores, but didn't buy anything.

Went to Ollies.  Found a bunch of books and stuff, and used my 15% of entire order coupon!

Went to Sams.  Got gas for mom's car, cheap (just $2.39 a gallon, most places around here are more than 2.50 a gallon) and then went inside to get a few things I needed (including another book). 

Risked getting onto I-81, but there was little traffic and went to Jersey Mike's for one of their amazing subs!  Brought it home (again, risking I-81, and again, there was next to no traffic and no problems merging) and devoured it.

Then I hung out doing not a whole lot, still stressing about the car.  But I was here barely and hour and a half before he called and said they replaced the battery. Since that battery was just put in three years ago, it was still under a warranty, so he'll discuss that with the battery guy when he comes to restock the batteries, and then send me an invoice.  And i could come and get the car.


I went to pick up mom, drove us to the garage, got the car.  We both went back to her house, where we talked (and I had a piece of pumpkin pie she made) and then came home.  

And I've been just sitting here reading and being online and shit since then.

I'm really glad today went better than expected, cause I KNOW tomorrow at work, especially the morning, is going to be a Day From Hell.

Ah well, nothing I can do about that until tomorrow....


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