Friday, February 28, 2020

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 1148)...

Superhero Anydays

Today we have one of the quirkiest superheroes from the Golden Age WWII, Earth-2 era: The Red Bee!

He was an District Attorney or something in the Pacific Northwest and he wanted to fight the criminals he couldn't prosecute, so he put on this himself a swarm of trained bees (I kid you not) and kept them in his belt, where he could release.  His favorite bee was named Michael (you can't make this stuff up).  Oh and he also carried a 'stinger gun'.
And today we also have a batch of cosplayers doing some Legion of Super-Heroes members in their early costumes.

Saturn Girl, Lightning Lass, Shadow Lass, Brainiac 5, Triplicate Girl, Shrinking Violet, and Phantom Girl.


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