Saturday, February 29, 2020

Primary day in South Carolina.

If the polls are correct, then Biden should win by a decent margin.

However, i would not be at all surprised if Bernie "won".  

Because, remember, tRump(impeached) and Putin both want Bernie to be the Democratic nominee.  They know, as does anyone who as any political sense at all, that Bernie a thin-skinned, has had no serious challenge in any of this elections, doesn't take criticism well, and has a whole past full of dirt to be aired or exaggerated.

Plus, don't forget, in 2017, 17 different US intelligence agencies, as well as the British and the Israeli intelligence, told us the Russians hacked into the election databases of 46 different states. It doesn't look like the did anything, but they got in.  And in the last 3 years, we've done nothing to improve election security.  The House passed a bill to increase funding for it, but that's sitting on McConnell's desk, because neither McConnell nor tRump (impeached) WANT there to be any increased eletion security.

Also, remember that two weeks ago, at the beginning of the week, a high ranking intelligence official briefed Congress on the fact that the Russians were helping tRump (impeached) already.  And before the end of that week, that official was fired, replaced by a tRump (impeached) lackey, and that lackey over that weekend 'reported' that he didn't see any evidence of the Russians helping tRump (impeached), but somehow he saw some kind of evidence showing that the Russians were 'helping' Bernie.

SO, since the Russians and the current leadership  of the Federal government want Bernie to be the nominee, it wold not surprise me at all if Bernie somehow 'won' the South Carolina primary....what with the Russians being in South Carolina's voter database and all.

I do hope I'm wrong.  

But I would not be surprised if I wasn't.  Saddened, yes, surprised, no.


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