Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Dressed in purple velvets, with a flower.....

 So today, I got a call from mom.  She asked if I had been on my front porch yet, the Flower Fairy paid me a visit.  I got up and looked outside, and saw this:

I said, "What are they?"  She said, "Bergera Daisies."

I said, "Oh, they're pink....."  She said, "Yeah, I saw them at Lowes and thought they were purple and that's why I got them for you, but when I later took my sunglasses off, I saw....they were pink....:"  and then she laughed.

Oh Mama Shockey....there's always a story...a funny story.

So anyway, I've got a planter with pink Bergera Daisies to take care of this summer! They are pretty though.


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