Tuesday, April 27, 2021

If you had that house, car, bottle, jar, your lovers would look like movie stars....

 So, several years ago I met my friend Paul's boyfriend Travis.  The three of us hung out over DC Pride a few years.  Then they broke up.  I kept in touch with both of them.  And Travis came to DC to hang out alone over Pride and he and I hung out during the parade.  And later, about three years ago, Travis came to Waynesboro for an extended weekend.  We hung out here, and had several bedtimesexxyfuns.

During his time here, when we were chatting, he mentioned he had been in a movie before.  A guy he was dating previously.was an independent movie producer and he gave Travis a bit part in one of them.  See, here's a still from the filming: 

So I just today found out the name of that movie, Chasing Pavement.  And I found out it's streaming for free on TUBI...which I somehow have on my Roku.  So I watched it this evening.

Not a bad movie.  Nothing earthshattering, but I enjoyed it.  And Travis got a whole scene where he read some poetry he wrote while other characters see things and a lot of things happen with just their eyes and the looks on their faces.

At any rate, I also find it kinda cool that Travis has has own Intermovie Database entry. 

But the whole point of this post is just to point out.....

I've had sex with a movie star!  More than once too!

....can scratch that off my bucketlist now....



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