Tuesday, May 17, 2022

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 2208)....

 Superhero Anydays

This is a lineup of the Young Avengers.  Lets see how many of these characters are already in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Clockwise from front: Patriot (grandson of the original Captain America, seen in The Falcon And The Winter Soldier), Wiccan (Scarlet Witch's son), Hulkling (a skrull, we've seen the skrulls, but not this guy in particular), Stature (the daughter of Ant-Man Scott Lang), Hawkeye Kate Bishop (from the Hawkeye mini-series), and the young Vision (again, we've seen Vision, but not this version yet).

We also have in the Young Avengers Iron Lad (a version of Kang, who we met in Loki), Speed (Scarlet Witch's other son), Young Loki (which we saw in Loki), and other that I don't remember off the top of my head.  But it looks to me like they might be building towards a Young Avengers at some point.
And he we have some cosplaying Avengers: Swordsman and Mantis.


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