Monday, August 28, 2023

Apprecaite, then you can...ring my bell (Part 51)...

 Perez Apprecation Post

This is the back cover of a smaller comics digest of reprtined Justice Society Of America comics from the 1940s and  60s and 70s.  I have this, along with a bunch of other digests, DC put out in the early 80s.  A lot of the their covers were drawn by The Maestro George Perez

This particular back cover shows members of the JSA carving out and eagle behind a shield...which was the symbol the JSA used.  (Ironically, several of these members [Superman, Green Lantern, Dr. Fate, Spectre, even the Flash] could have completed this is just seconds, if not instantaneously.  But hey, teamwork maked the dream work, eh?)

Clockwise from upper right: Wonder Woman, Hawkman, The Flash, Dr. Fate, The Atom, Batman, Spectre, Green Lantern and Superman. 


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