Tuesday, April 24, 2018

I would not sell my collection, for if I did, I would die (Part 28)...

Today In The History Of Polt's Comic Book Collection

Today we travel back 35 years to April 1983, and The Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe #4.

I loved this series (and all it's subsequent updates.  And DC's versions of this as well for that matter).  It's nothing more than a one page (or in some cases, two page) spread on every more or less major and minor character in the Marvel Universe at that time.  Each page had a picture, and stats, and a backstory.

All the covers were wrap around, covering the front and the back.  And all of them showed the characters within running (or flying or jumping or at least moving) from the left to the right. 

See, on this cover we have the hand of Galactus, Gypsy Moth, Elecktra, Electro, one of the Brothers Grimm, Falcon, Gorgon, Gargoyle, Grim Reapor,  Just a few of the characters detailed.


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