Wednesday, April 18, 2018

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luthor (Part 863)...

Superhero Anydays

Today we have, by John Byrne, the team he pretty much created and developed, Alpha Flight!

Counter clockwise, from upper right: Snowbird, Aurora, Northstar, Marinna, Namor the Sub Mariner (husband of Marrina, and never a member of Alpha Flight), Shaman, Puck, Wolverine, Sasquatch and Vindicator in the middle.
And also I'm pretty sure I've posted this before, but its so damn good, I have to post it again: the cosplay Justice League Of America!

Front: Wonder Woman, Superman
Middle: Green Lantern, Black Canary, Black Lightning, Batman
Back: Zatanna, Hawkgirl, Vixen, Green Arrow


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