Saturday, January 22, 2022

The truth is I never left you (Part 1396)...

 TRUTH After The Time Of tRump 
(defeated, disgraced, loser)

The Republican Party is not the party of tRump, not the party of normal Republicans.  And, as everything tRump touches, the Party too has gone to the dogs. 

Here's an invite to a Republican National Committee meeting later this year. It was issued BY the Republican National Committee. 

Only in a tRump-lican Party would the invite be to a "Sring Retreat".   Nope, not a Spring Retreat, but a Sring one.  Obviously, this was proofread by the same guy who proofread all of tRump's tweets.

Also, what's even funnier, and unbelievable, is that they called Kellyanny Conway...Honorable.  PFFFFTT!  That woman doesn't even know how to spell honorable, much less act like it.  So obviously, she fits right in with the rest of this party.


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