Sunday, February 27, 2022

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 2138)....

 Superhero Anydays

today we have the members of The Flash's Rogue's Gallery.  On the left, the supervillain team that fought the Flash from the late 70s.  On the right, the team from thirty years later.

Sitting down: Captain Boomerang and The Pied Piper
Standing: Captain Cold, Mr. Element, Trickster, Weather Wizard, Reverse Flash, Abra Kadabra, Mirror Master, The Top and Heatwave, with Gorilla Grodd in back

Roughly clockwise from bottom right: Gurder, Weather Wizard, Trickster, Magenta, Plunder, unknown, Murmer and in the middle, Mirror Master.
And today we also have a Colossus cosplayer.

Nice thighs too, by the way.....


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