Sunday, January 29, 2023

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 2410)....

 Superhero Anydays

This is, as drawn by Canadian John Byrne, a panel from the first issue of Canada's superhero team Alpha Flight.  It shows the heroes within Canada's governmental superhero agency Department H, and the levels the various superheroes were in. 

Alpha Flight is the main team of superheroes: Northstar, Aurora, Snowbird, Shaman, and Sasquatch.
Beta Flight is those heroes in training, a few ready to move up to the main team: Puck, Marinna, Box, Flashback
And Gamma Flight is those heroes just starting their training: Madison Jeffries, Smart Alec, Diamond Lil and Wild Child

At the time this was published, we the readers, knew only the members of Alpha Flight.  It took us, sometimes years, to find out who the others were.
And today we also have a groups of cosplayers in a back yard somewhere: Spider-Man, Batman, Robin, Cyclops, Iron Man, Captain America, Superman, Wolverine, and Deadpool. 


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