Thursday, September 21, 2023

We could be heroes, forever and ever (Part 48)...

 Anniversary Avengers

Today, we have the next Avenger, a very short termed member: Rage. 

Rage started with the New Warriors, a team of young heroes, but helped the Avengers on a mission and asked to join, so he was made a probationary member.  It didn't last long, because the team found his secret.  He was only 13 years old.  

He had hidden from some bullies but was doused in toxic chemicals.  Those chemicals turned him into an adult, but with superior strength, toughness and stamina.  Once Captain America found out he was actually still a teenager, even though his body looked like an adult, he told him he could not longer be member.  But he was offered, and accepted, to be trained by Captain America.  And he eventually went back to the New Warriors (who, tho they were young were still in their late teens/early 20s), and worked with them for quite some time. 

Elvin Halliday aka Rage, has the powers described above.   He has not yet been seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe


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