Saturday, November 18, 2023

I would not sell my collection for if I did, I would cry (Part 95)....

 Today In The History Of Polt's Comic Book Collection

This week, we go back to November of 1994, and Marvel's Clad Destine #2.

This was the time period when art was supreme, and characterization, plot, and continuity all took a backseat.   When it came to comics, nothing matter but how they looked.  It was a low period, especially at Marvel.

Into this came the Alan Davis created Clan Destine.  It was a breath of fresh air.  While his art was spectacular, the story was great too.  A secret family of half aliens, all imbued with some sort of super power, most living in and among the rest of us.  

The series, unfortunately, didn't last long, only a couple years.  But I remember it VERY fondly.


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