Wednesday, January 31, 2024

I took the road less traveled by (Part 2172)....



Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 3622)...

 Check This Out!



If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 2709)....

 Superhero Anydays

Today, by the Always Amazing Alex Ross, we have a plate decorated with Marvel hero's heads (this could also potentially be a clock face..."what time is it?" "It's Thor-thirty."),

Clockwise (naturally) from the 1:00 point: Hulk, Thor, Submariner, Human Torch, Iceman, Thing, Doctor Strange, Nick Fury, Daredevil, Iron Man, Captain America and Spider-Man
And today we also have a pair of cosplayers; Spider-Man and Falcon. 


Put your love to the test (Part 994)...

 Where To Put It? 

Where does this bathing twinkie belong?  Fetching Faces?  Tooshie Tuesdays?  Suds? 


It's so cool to be uncool (Part 650)....

 What's Cool?

You think you're cool? Well you'll never be as cool as that time Charlie's Angels teamed up with Sammy Davis JR!

This would have been a really bad day to be a criminal, I can tell you. 


Someone book me a room at the Casa de Loco (Part 54)...

 Reasons To Call In Sick And Juts Stay In Bed

Well you just KNOW he's be a lot of fun in bed!  And that bed looks damn comfy too!


The truth is I never left you (Part 1749)...

 Truth After The Time Of tRump 
(two times impeached, 
two four times indicted on 91 charges (so far)
two time loser of the popular vote)

And yet, some 30% of our population sees this guy, and hears what he babbles and thinks, Yes, he the guy I want to lead me!



Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 3621).....

 Check This Out!

This big lovely building was originally a library, built with money from Andrew Carnegie.  But when the library moved to another building, this place fell into disrepair.  Until it was rescued and turned into a restaurant. 

Beefeaters!  In Bradford PA!  And where you will get the best damn steak of your life!


Cut their hair shorts, wear shirts and boots (Part 819)...

 Wife Beater Wednesdays

This week, we have Wife Beaters And Caps!


Tuesday, January 30, 2024

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 2708)...

 Superhero Anydays

Today, again by the underappreciated Paul Smith, we have a bunch of enemies of the X-Men during the all too short period when he was drawing the title.

Sauron, Dark Phoenix, Loki, Mystique, The Brood,  Mastermind, Silver Samuri & Viper, The Moorlocks, and the Sidrian Hunters.
And today we also have the very muscley internet celeb (I think named CrisFitt) in tight fitting Spider-Man uniform. 


I took the road less traveled by (Part 2171)....


Today we have the floorplan of an apartment somewhere which takes up the entire floor of whatever this building is. 


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 3620)...

 Check This Out!


Put your love to the test (Part 993)...

 Where To Put It?

This is internet celeb, model, and amateur actor Matt Palmer and his pupper.  Where should their pic go?  Fetching Faces?  Lucious Licks (cause ya know, two tongues)?  Heavenly Hounds?


Rita Hayworth, gave good face (Part 825)...

 Fetching Faces


Out of control, cause this dog ain't new (Part 850)...

 Heavenly Hounds


Get up and move it, to the music (Part 545)....



Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 3619)...

 Check This Out!

A truer statement was rarely if every made. 


The back of your hand, somewhere on my behind (Part 714)....

 Tooshie Tuesdays

This week, we have Tooshies And Caps!


Monday, January 29, 2024

I;ve got books lining my shelves, day and night...

 Books 2024

So today, I discovered some Young Adult Fiction Doctor Who books, and decided to buy all five in the series.   In this series, the Doctor is somehow meshed with some famous story in each book.  Not sure how that works, but I guess I'll find out. 

Doctor Who: Josephine And The Argonauts, by Paul Magrs
Doctor Who: Robin Hood, by Paul Magrs
Doctor Who: Legends of Camelot, by Emil Fortune
Doctor Who: Rebellion on Treasure Island, by Bali Rai
Doctor Who: Wonderful Doctor Of Oz, by Jacqueline Rayner

Surprisingly, these are the first books I've bought this year...almost made it an entire month without and book purchases!  Who knew I could even DO that? 

Anyway, yearly totals so far;

Jan 29: 5 books for $62.17, average of $12.43 per book

Of these 5 books, 5 are actual books, 0 are graphic novels


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 3618)...

 Check This Out!



If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 2707)...

 Superhero Anydays

Today, by comic book artist Kevin Nowlin, we have an lineup of the Avengers and a rather eclectic lineup of the Justice League. 

Avengers: Iron Man, Giant Man, Wasp, Hawkeye, Thor, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Captain America, Black Panther, Quicksilver
JLA: Green Lantern, Hawkwoman, Dr. Fate, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Superman, Green Arrow, The Flash, Wonder Woman and Batman
And today we also have a group of Batman villain cosplayers!

Joker, Penguin, Catwoman, Ventriloquist, Mr. Freeze


I took the road less traveled by (Part 2170)....


Today's map shows which of three Baltic nations other nations Google most often.  If you can't read it too well, Yellow is Lithuania, Red is Latvia, and Blue and Estonia. 


Put your love to the test (Part 992)...

 Where To Put It?

And so where should these two guys go?  Wifebeater Wednesdays?  Dudes In Dresses?  Tooshie Tuesdays? 


Keeping it together, all in the family (Part 539)...

 Gemini Guys

Today, once again, we have the gay Czech Twins, on some rooftop, apparently. 


Not just where you bump and grind it (Part 256)...

 Hookup Humor


You abandoned me, love don't live here anymore (Part 365)...

 Abandoned Places

This is Franklin Castle in Ohio, I think Cleveland. 

I believe also this has been bought, refurbished and reopened as one of Ohio's Most Haunted Buildings!  You can rent a specific room for a specific ghost.


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 3617)...

 Check This Out!

This beautifully gaudy automobile is a 1937 Cadillac series 20  V16 Cabriolet.


You're wantin' my body, I don't mind (Part 931)....


This week, we have Hot Shirtless Guys And Caps!